Smoke Free...



StarCat said:
D and I keep getting into it. I told him that if he didnt quit as well, I would divorce him. At this point, it looks like, if we dont start smoking again, hes gonna divorce me :jameo:

CMC, I have something in my mouth, I'm honestly not sure what it is. Its plastic, but its not a straw, its thinner than a pen, and it has like circle kinda things on the end. Anyway, I'm chewing on it and its making me feel better.

I turned to M&M's and gained 20 .lbs!! So don't go that route. I quit cold turkey but like others have mentioned I had motivation to quit. My husband refused to start a family with me until I quit. I put them down and never looked back. Its tough but you can do it! :huggy:


New Member
cinnamin sticks helped me. They are about the size of a marlboro. I just hold them on my fingers like a smoke when I drive and every once and a while I will chew on it. they last longer.


In My Opinion
CMC122 said:
Try carrying a straw like a ciggarette when you get a craving. Or go for a walk when the edge gets to be too much.

ok, now that works pretty good, but I found that going to the mall and just picking someone smaller than me and beating them to death because they were using up my air with their existence,, works much better.

plus you get that cardio workout running from the police afterwards.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I bet if you head out to your driveway or parking lot that you could find a car with a butt in the ashtray that has aged under the dash with the filter totally coated in ashes and it will still taste like heaven. Just kidding and good luck. I quit once while I was in the Air Force and the guys on my crew bought me a carton after two weeks and begged me to go back to smoking. They indicated that I was experiencing some sort of personality change and insinuated that I wasn't very pleasant to be around or working for. Imagine that. :lmao:


I also quit when I got pregnant, cold turkey and only minimal cravings- but that's because the motivation doesn't come from you, it comes from hormonal protective urges. If you try to base your current attempt on that experience, it will just frustrate you. And replacing the habit with something else doesn't work, especially since it often just becomes a new habit instead of a replacement.

But I also quit a few months ago, despite the fact that my husband also smokes and so does every one of my in-laws, who we spend a good deal of time with. You have to figure out what your mental addiction is- for me, it is purely social. I had to let go of my excuse that I wouldn't sit and talk with my husband if I couldn't smoke with him.

I spent two months breaking the addiction, which was basically the desire to smoke when I was alone. Once I got over that, I have found that I don't need it anymore but that I can have one every once in a while, socially, like once every week or two.

It's not too bad. You don't have to be militant about it, you know. Just abstain mostly!