
Smoking in a car with a child/infant...

  • No problem, second hand smoke is harmless

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Not wise, but hey...its been going on for years

    Votes: 15 51.7%
  • That is abusive...I'd give them a piece of my mind

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Its worth passing a law against...let the court deal with it

    Votes: 4 13.8%

  • Total voters


I bowl overhand
Originally posted by Hessian
Sitting in a bank parking lot on Saturday: Beside me is a PU with a young (10year old) boy. Beside him is an older woman puffing away on a cigarette..the windo is open just a crack but as I watch, the kid pulls his shirt up and starts breathing through his shirt...with another hand he starts wiping his eyes.

Moments later an adult male comes out of the bank, hops in the driver seat and immediately lights up his cigarette. The Kid, squeezed between these two caring adults is vainly fanning the smoke away from him...and they pull away.

Now I have not come out on the soap box before against smoking...naturally I don't like it around my table at dinner, or walking through a foreign airport. BUT

At the very least...that was a cruel thing to put that boy through. Heck, he's wheezing for some fresh air and both adults obliviously are choking him....isn't that abuse? If they had spanked him in the Safeway they'd be facing charges, but stuff him full of toxins day after day...that's no problem.

Not only did my dad smoke cigars in the car with the family in it.. he would pass them to me to light them.. I was probably 8 - 10 at the time.. and I usually got away with smoking quite a bit of it before he remembered that he gave it to me to light..


Go Steelers!!!
Originally posted by RoseRed
Isn't having a smoking section in a restaurant like having a peeing section in a swimming pool?

Heck ya. Go to Boomerang's. Good place, but hate sitting in the non-smoking section and feel like i'm in the smoking section. I'm sure there are a lot of other places like that too, but I just went there last weekend.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by tatgirl99
Heck ya. Go to Boomerang's. Good place, but hate sitting in the non-smoking section and feel like i'm in the smoking section. I'm sure there are a lot of other places like that too, but I just went there last weekend.
Same way at Applebees. A brass rail to distinguish the smoking and non-smoking section. Ya, that works! :rolleyes:


New Member
Well I have to say, I am smoke free as of one week today! People who say it gets easier as time goes by, huh, tell that to the carrott cake I just devoured!

When I got pregnant with my daughter in 94, I quit cold turkey, never smoked again for 5 years. My daughter was still born 10 weeks premature and weighed 3lbs 4ozs as the result of issues w/ my kidneys during pregnancy. Since she was so small and had respitory problems NOBODY was allowed to smoke in my house or around her. I made my husband smoke outside!

Then low and behold, when she was 5, I started smoking again, and those rules no longer applied. I smoked in the house and car around her. I am kind of a snobby smoker though, I cant stand the smell of the smoke, so the window was always more than cracked, still doesn't make it right and I would often think to myself how awful it was that I smoked around them.

Now that I am on my way to be smoke free (and really fat) I hope I never pick up the habit again. But, I do know, if someone ####es me off during this begining stages, or if I get stressed, I will pick up again! Hopefully though, I'm on the right track!



New Member
Speaking of nasty smoking sections......OMG try the Bob Evans in Prince Frederick, we went there for breakfast a few weeks ago and asked for the smoking section OMG!

They shove you in this little room with smoke just swirling around and no ventalation and a closed door. I felt like I was being punished and it was just HORRIBLE in there! If it was not for the fact that we had waited 45 minutes for a table, I would have asked to be switched to non smoking!



Well-Known Member
Hang in there Christy...I think you & your kids will be healthier for battle is the appetite (I'm 6 months under semi-atkins)...its working but man are the eggs boring!