So are there


Has confinement issues..
Here's a sample.
Here's another
I'd show you the real one but you're not premo. But another personality might be. If so, check out the "Jumper" thread.

Well thanks. I never thought I'd been missing out on anything by not having a premo membership until now:ohwell:

That thread made my head spin... I think Cowgirl should take the farm boy out to a forum gathering:yay:

Nothing brings out the best in people like SOMD.COM :yay:


Well thanks. I never thought I'd been missing out on anything by not having a premo membership until now:ohwell:

That thread made my head spin... I think Cowgirl should take the farm boy out to a forum gathering:yay:

Nothing brings out the best in people like SOMD.COM :yay:

Oh yes! That would be great! :lol:


You should have edited in some apostrophes in your post.

This is a chat room not a research paper, unless you re looking to grade(see me after class)because I see how you judge ppl. For if you judge be prepared to be judged.