So I ended up in the ER last night



First I'm glad you're all feeling much better, please take care of yourselves, I like talking to, debating with, and seeing your opinion on the forums.

Second, what are you doing with BP that high (not you jaybeez) in the first place? Just curious, I don't want that. I want to say it hereditary, I do tend to stress a lot and it needs to put to a halt. I think I need more outdoor time, since school started I haven't been outdoor as much.

Third, I also have the ick right now. I took 2 days off of work, my sinus congestion seems to be moving to my chest now so I know how you feel jaybeeztoo. Hopefully you can stop smoking completely, I know its hard for some.


Well honestly not moving around a whole lot may have caused my blood pressure to decide to go up. I have been off my feet for a while due to my broken foot and have just now started getting up and getting things done. Due to the arthritis I have the doc did not want me on my foot at all if possible. So I had a lot of down time. :joy: :starcat:

That is the only thing I can come up with that may have brought it on, cause I was fairly active before all this stuff happened to the stupid foot! :rolleyes:


I don't want to quit :tantrum BUT, I know I should. I think I will talk to my doctor about Chantrix the next time I see her. It sure would save some money. Harley smokes though, so shouldn't he quit too?

Yes! He should try, so it is easier on you to quit! I didn't have anyone else around me smoking so it made it easier for me to quit cold turkey. But it definitely helps your lung health to quit. It takes 10yrs. of not smoking to repair the damage you have done to your lungs. That alone should scare the T-total shiat out of anyone that smokes! But every day that you don't smoke you add 2 days to your life! That is motivation enough for me!


Yes! He should try, so it is easier on you to quit! I didn't have anyone else around me smoking so it made it easier for me to quit cold turkey. But it definitely helps your lung health to quit. It takes 10yrs. of not smoking to repair the damage you have done to your lungs. That alone should scare the T-total shiat out of anyone that smokes! But every day that you don't smoke you add 2 days to your life! That is motivation enough for me!

It's just like any addiction though, you have to be ready. I've quit before and gained a ton of weight. I replaced smoke with food. I just need to be ready. Yeah the ER doc gave some gorey stories and tried to scare me. At least he scared me enough to slow WAY down. I only had 4 yesterday :diva:


It's just like any addiction though, you have to be ready. I've quit before and gained a ton of weight. I replaced smoke with food. I just need to be ready. Yeah the ER doc gave some gorey stories and tried to scare me. At least he scared me enough to slow WAY down. I only had 4 yesterday :diva:

:love: Excellent!

Now just lay the pack down and walk away! The first two weeks are hell as I'm sure you're aware of, but you can do it!

If a wuss like me can do it anyone can!


:love: Excellent!

Now just lay the pack down and walk away! The first two weeks are hell as I'm sure you're aware of, but you can do it!

If a wuss like me can do it anyone can!

Not today, but maybe tomorrow.
A few weeks ago mine was 190/110 but it was caused by pain. They even sent me home with it like that (and percs and ultram..:lol:)

It's been around 110/74 lately.
Yikes. Not a good place to be.

You need to make yourself move around or your going to end up with Pneumonia! And make sure to cough that shiat up and spit it out! Cough HARD! It is very important. You need me to come take care of you?

Uh, not TOO hard. I had a coughing fit a few weeks ago and cracked a rib. Seriously. It's only now just feeling better. Not fun at all to have to cough or sneeze with a cracked rib. Can you say "pain" ? I knew you could....

Second, what are you doing with BP that high (not you jaybeez) in the first place? Just curious, I don't want that.
Hereditary and stress.


Yikes. Not a good place to be.

Uh, not TOO hard. I had a coughing fit a few weeks ago and cracked a rib. Seriously. It's only now just feeling better. Not fun at all to have to cough or sneeze with a cracked rib. Can you say "pain" ? I knew you could....

Hereditary and stress.

GOOD LORD!!!! I didn't mean that dayum hard! :faint: :lol:


I don't want to quit :tantrum BUT, I know I should. I think I will talk to my doctor about Chantrix the next time I see her. It sure would save some money. Harley smokes though, so shouldn't he quit too?

YES! I know it can be hard sometimes but he needs to support you in your choice to be healthy.

It's just like any addiction though, you have to be ready. I've quit before and gained a ton of weight. I replaced smoke with food. I just need to be ready. Yeah the ER doc gave some gorey stories and tried to scare me. At least he scared me enough to slow WAY down. I only had 4 yesterday :diva:

I wish you could be my project. I would love to spend time with you, be your motivational person and PITA

:love: Excellent!

Now just lay the pack down and walk away! The first two weeks are hell as I'm sure you're aware of, but you can do it!

If a wuss like me can do it anyone can!

Yeah, mousebaby is such a wuss and she did it! :lol: (j/k mousie :huggy:)

I did it too, you gotta want it, it also helps if you're frustated.

Not today, but maybe tomorrow.

Go get it girl!


Pitty Party
Well the Prednozone (sp?) is causing nervous energy so I keep getting up a cleaning a little while I'm up. I've been coughing, but it's dry. I'll be all right. You take care of yourself first!! Besides if you come over here, I'll sucker you into two kitties. :lmao:

You still have those strays hanging around?


GOOD LORD!!!! I didn't mean that dayum hard! :faint: :lol:

Yeah!!! My back already hurts from coughing. I don't wanna crack a rib. My mom did that once when she had bronchitis. No thank you!!!!

I actually feel pretty clear today. There's a few coughs, but not bad. My lungs feel so much clearer. It must be the Prednozone (sp?). I haven't even needed my inhaler today. :yahoo:


YES! I know it can be hard sometimes but he needs to support you in your choice to be healthy.

I wish you could be my project. I would love to spend time with you, be your motivational person and PITA

Yeah, mousebaby is such a wuss and she did it! :lol: (j/k mousie :huggy:)

I did it too, you gotta want it, it also helps if you're frustated.

Go get it girl!

Just what I need...another pain in the ass :lmao: I knock myself pretty hard everyday...I'm my worst enemy. I know if I decide to quit...I will.

I just have to do it myself or at least want it myself.

I need a project. I want to build a warm house for these kitties that have overtaken my deck. If I worked on that, I probably wouldn't smoke while I do it. If I just sit on my corner of the couch, I am more prone to smoke. Weekends are more hard because I am not out and active.

I have a really busy work schedule ahead of me. My doc says I should wear a mask though. I looked for them at St. John's last night but they didn't have any, so I will wear a bandana until I can find some. I'll look like a robber :lmao:


The last time I had bronchitis my BF was away, my son was at his dad's and I was home alone sick and scared. I couldn't lay down, I would cough so I was sitting up in my bed watching Dave Atelle's Insomniac Tour. I had to modify my laugh or I would wheeze into an asthma attack. I made it half way through Greg Geraldo before I had to change to the history channel.


Just what I need...another pain in the ass :lmao: I knock myself pretty hard everyday...I'm my worst enemy. I know if I decide to quit...I will.

I just have to do it myself or at least want it myself.

I need a project. I want to build a warm house for these kitties that have overtaken my deck. If I worked on that, I probably wouldn't smoke while I do it. If I just sit on my corner of the couch, I am more prone to smoke. Weekends are more hard because I am not out and active.

I have a really busy work schedule ahead of me. My doc says I should wear a mask though. I looked for them at St. John's last night but they didn't have any, so I will wear a bandana until I can find some. I'll look like a robber :lmao:

God I wish I could help with the kitties, but hubby says NO! :lol:

I heard once about building warm houses for strays somewhere using the plastic storage boxes. Let me do some research!


Ok, you get one of those plastic storage boxes, then some styrofoam (the thicker, the better) in flat sheets and cut it to fit around the inside of the plastic storage container, then you get a smaller container to fit down inside that. Then you put both lids on then cut a small hole for an entrance in through all three layers. Then put a heating pad and blankets, or straw inside to help keep them warm through out the winter.


Ok, you get one of those plastic storage boxes, then some styrofoam (the thicker, the better) in flat sheets and cut it to fit around the inside of the plastic storage container, then you get a smaller container to fit down inside that. Then you put both lids on then cut a small hole for an entrance in through all three layers. Then put a heating pad and blankets, or straw inside to help keep them warm through out the winter.

I will show this to Harley.

I might have a taker though :whistle:

If you knew these kitties you could not resist. If they don't stay with me, I only hope they go together because they love each other so much. They are both laying in a chair on the deck right now keeping each other warm.