So I let my daughter have my old phon this week


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Someone I know gave her son her old cell phone. The boy is 8 or 9. I was having a long chat with Mom and the boy was off playing. He'd given the phone to Mom for safekeeping, so it didn't get broken. Every 5 minutes he came asking if any of his friends had called yet.

The phone had been deactivated and could only be used for 911. I don't even think it had a phone number associated with it, so his "friends" couldn't have had his number. :lol:


Salt Life
My daughter has had a cell for about 2 years now; she's 11. She doesn't *need* a phone and sure she was probably too *young* at the time and still is. But, it's easier to keep track of her this way and call/text her when I want rather than call wherever she's at a million times. :lol:


New Member
My boys took a cell phone to camp last week. No problems but the 6 yo liked to talk. We got 2 calls a day one at 6am and one at 11. The 8 yo could care less if he called us. It was the first away camp for them and they had a blast.


New Member
My daughter is 9 and some of her friends have a cell phone. My niece is 11 and has one too attached to her ear ALL the time. I don't see the point in it. I think they are too young.

Before my little sister got her phone she wanted one, so I asked her why do you need a phone and her answer was so i can text my cousins and friends. I said no that's not a good enough answer. I told her if she could come up with a valid reason why she needed a phone i would help her get a phone. Needless to say I didn't help her get the phone!


New Member
I gave my daughter my old phone too. She's 8.
It has no service, just an empty shell and she hasn't stopped talking in it since she got it.
Glad she has an imagination but if this is any indication of her minute usage when she gets a real phone she's gonna need 5 jobs!!