So, Mike walks into Rogers office...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...and says:

A. "I'm really sorry. I'm doing volunteer work with animals rights groups, giving speeches about how callous and wrong I was and how we all deserve to be judged by how we treat those people and animals we have power over and all my old associations are gone and I cooperated fully with the law and I will donate 1/2 my NFL pay, forever, to PETA and I wanna use this opportunity to help put an end to dog fighting forever. Please, just give me this chance!"


B. "My trainer says I'm ready to start camp. Who is offering the most?"


New Member
Everyone that answers B
1) probably lets their dogs lick their mouths, share their food and ice cream with their dogs, and let their dogs sleep in their bed.
2) think's it make sense that Donte Stallworth's 30 day was just verus Vick's 23 months
3) think Brett Farve is god
Everyone that answers B
1) probably lets their dogs lick their mouths, share their food and ice cream with their dogs, and let their dogs sleep in their bed.
2) think's it make sense that Donte Stallworth's 30 day was just verus Vick's 23 months
3) think Brett Farve is god
Upon what are you basing your asinine statement?