So NOW Dr. Ford won't testify UNLESS the FBI investigates...


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
You, of course, understand that it IS the job of the FBI to investigate the backgrounds of all nominees for appointment to high public office?

You understand, of course, that a background check does not only include federal crimes???

You understand this, right?

I mean you can't be dumb enough to believe that an investigation request regarding a nominee only pertains to criminal activity?? Can you???

No, I am not mentally retarded. Are you?

Judge Kavanaugh has ALREADY passed through SIX (6) [that's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for those of you in Loma Linda] FBI investigations.

The FBI already threw this "allegation" to the side. They passed on investigating the spurious charge because it is OUT of their purview. :lmao:

SO, who's the one who doesn't understand? :headpat:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Let’s check the tape. :shrug:

Like I said, the drinking age was 18, all high school parties had beer. That doesn’t make her a drunken slut any more than it makes him an alcoholic rapist.



Well-Known Member
Actually I think she's a lying progbot who wanted to SJW because she's been triggered by the media, and now she's caught. I'd feel sorry for her except for the part where she's a lying progbitch who needs to die in a fire.

I hate these people, I really do.

With good justification. For one, they're demonstrating that anyone can accuse anyone of anything, so we should NOT reflexively believe accusers. That is really sad, because there are an awful lot of honest accusers out there, and this further traumatizes them because now they won't be believed up front.

For two, tit begets tat. Stupid people will say, "they did it to us, so it's ok for us to do it to them" in the future. Good people nominated by the left will be run through the wringer by conservatives now for no good reason, and that's not how this should work.

For three, it makes good people less likely to accept nominations, thus lowering the quality of peole who will run for high office and/or be judges/justices. They are actively working to create an evolutionary process that devolves the quality of people in government. Think of the joke about killing spiders - you only kill the slow and stupid spiders, so you are working with evolution to create a breed of faster, smarter spiders! This is the opposite - we are killing off good nominees, creating a slower, more corrupt, more stupid breed in the future.

For four, These people have families, and those families are not part of the nomination process officially. These people are willingly, with malice aforethought, damaging innocent people outside of the process.


Main Streeter
I’m almost certain the drinking age was still 18 at the time. Every high school party had beer.

That's hard to say. The drinking age, in Maryland, was raised to 21 in 1982. If one was already 18, they were "grandfathered". Kavanaugh was seventeen.


Well-Known Member
well the FBI could have visited Monday and wrapped this up then ... if she is suffering from CRS vis a vi the party, it will be a really short interview

I've like to see the FBI remind her filing a FALSE Statement is a Crime and see if she wishes to continue the Interview

I can see the interview

FBI: Ma'am, what happened.

Ford: I think something bad.

FBI: Well, ok, that's not really very specific, but...where did it happen?

Ford: I'm not sure - in MD somewhere probably.

FBI: O.....okay. When was this?

Ford: Pretty sure it was in the 1980's.

FBI: ............

Ford: ............

FBI: ........

Ford: Can you help me?

FBI: Yes ma'am. [provides card for qualified therapist]. This should help. Have a nice day.


Main Streeter
You, of course, understand that it IS the job of the FBI to investigate the backgrounds of all nominees for appointment to high public office?

You understand, of course, that a background check does not only include federal crimes???

You understand this, right?

I mean you can't be dumb enough to believe that an investigation request regarding a nominee only pertains to criminal activity?? Can you???

Why should the FBI investigate? One, he was a minor at he time. Two, it's a state crime, if it happened. I think the Judiciary Committee is being completely reasonable here. They gave her a week's notice to testify so she can give her account on Monday. If she chooses not to, they should move forward with a vote.


Well-Known Member
That's hard to say. The drinking age, in Maryland, was raised to 21 in 1982. If one was already 18, they were "grandfathered". Kavanaugh was seventeen.


So until 82 about half of the seniors in high school could buy alcohol legally. That says nothing for all the younger kids who looked older or kids with fake ids. I’ll stand by my assessment that at the time high school parties had beer. That was certainly my experience.


Well-Known Member
Why should the FBI investigate? One, he was a minor at he time. Two, it's a state crime, if it happened. I think the Judiciary Committee is being completely reasonable here. They gave her a week's notice to testify so she can give her account on Monday. If she chooses not to, they should move forward with a vote.

Shouldn’t lying in an attempt to derail a SCOTUS nomination be a federal crime? That’s why the FBI should investigate. If they do a quick interview of all alleged witnesses as well as the accuser they will have the basis for a slander/libel case, or a really good case of lying to the FBI/perjury.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That's hard to say. The drinking age, in Maryland, was raised to 21 in 1982. If one was already 18, they were "grandfathered". Kavanaugh was seventeen.

When this blatant political chicanery fails maybe they can get him for underage drinking.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I’ll stand by my assessment that at the time high school parties had beer. That was certainly my experience.

Yep, tons of beer...astonishing quantities of beer...that was my experience. I started partying hard and often I was 14; typical for the part of MD where I grew up. "Field parties" were huge.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Shouldn’t lying in an attempt to derail a SCOTUS nomination be a federal crime? That’s why the FBI should investigate. If they do a quick interview of all alleged witnesses as well as the accuser they will have the basis for a slander/libel case, or a really good case of lying to the FBI/perjury.

I wouldn't trust the FBI to investigate their own belly button lint. It's already been proven that they will say what is politically expedient, regardless of the truth.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I’ll stand by my assessment that at the time high school parties had beer. That was certainly my experience.

That was probably most of our experience. But we did have goody goodies who didn't drink and party in high school, and it's certainly possible that Brett Kavanaugh was one of them. Girlfriend is going to have to do better than, "There was this party one time somewhere..."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What is the alternative? How do you suggest she is brought to justice?

Through regular means. We already have laws against slander and libel, and a mechanism to prosecute them. Most people in the public eye don't go that route because it's tedious and time consuming, but they should. There needs to be a strong punishment for defaming someone, and the media needs to be included in that punishment because they perpetuate and encourage it. They destroy someone publicly, with no evidence, and throw a "my bad" in there when it's proven false, after the damage is done and cannot be undone.

If it were up to me, I'd put her head on a pike. Send a message.

As it stands, she will never be punished and in fact she will be rewarded with speaking engagement and book deals.