So why does Trump bring him out on stage? If even you folks think he is a dem hack, what does Trump know?
Harris didn’t even talk to him, which he was obviously miffed about. So why does Trump embrace him?
Simple - Trump likes to build alliances and a big tent instead of being all "NOKD

" like the Democrats. And the Republican elite, frankly.
DID YOU KNOW that Trump opened Mar-A-Lago to black members at a time when rich Democrats were trying to keep black people away from them other than as servants? The media likes to hide that but some of us were alive in the 80s and 90s and remember it well. We also remember how Trump was quite welcoming to people of all races, religions, and sexual preferences, unless you were Jeffrey Epstein preying on young girls - then he kicked you out of his club. AND how he hired women in executive positions when they weren't welcome in any other boardroom.
You want to believe that Trump is this bad guy, all hating on anyone who isn't a white male Christian, but that's simply not true. You've been brainwashed by the MSM who memory holes Trump's accomplishments and instead fills your head with hater bullshit. And you must like it that way because the truth is right at your fingertips, yet you refuse to seek it.
This is the sort of swill you gobble:
A years-old pro-Trump Facebook post that’s still viral shows a photo of a young Donald Trump with the headline: "So You
Politifact goes over the statement, proves that it's true, then assigns their own motive to it and declares it false.
Back to RFKJ:
Why would Trump turn down Kennedy's endorsement? There's no reason why he would be all, "Nah, beat it, loser." Of course he's going to say, "Sure! Come on in!" just like he did with Nicki Haley. And it also might be a poke in the eye to the Kennedy clan, who don't seem to realize nobody has cared about them in decades except as tabloid fodder yet they seem to think of themselves as royalty. All they're famous for now is dropping dead of drugs and other reckless poor decisions.