So what happened?


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by cmcdanal
Just as a side note: There was a Clark for Pres. ad on a little while ago. Among other things, he said that NATO should be in charge of rebuilding Iraq. :rolleyes:

Yeah *that* makes sense. A Cold War relic organization whose sole purpose was to hold the line against the Soviet Union - an organization which serves almost no purpose at all nowadays - put THAT in charge of Iraq. Clark makes more sense every day. Geez, why not just put FRANCE in charge?


Re: Totally seriously here...

Originally posted by Larry Gude

Is it that simple???

For me it was. I find the way that Dean's ego and brain is spiraling out control very disturbing. It's an obsession with him at this point and he's starting to act like a crack addict needing more crack. He's totally obsessed and disillusioned at this point. His latest yelling and screaming match (the only one in history (according to ABC news) to start screaming in conceeding a caucus) does not make me want to jump in and continue helping him - he is starting to freighten me. There's a terrrible sense of desperation that he is displaying. He's almost acting too dictatorial for me - he's completely turned into a mad man now that he's not getting his way. Again, he's a desperate man who is obssessed and that is what people like me are starting to see from him. Kerry on the other hand appears and always has appeared calm, cool and collected. I'm starting to personally worry about Dean - I figure by March he'll be in a padded cell somewhere mumbling the star spangled banner or something.


Originally posted by Bruzilla
His yelling at the old man last week (the guy he told to sit down and shut up.)

Somehow I missed this one. Please elaborate.


Originally posted by penncam
:cool: Dem4me, does this mean you won't be attempting to put together any Dean rallies, or "support for Howard Dean" sessions?

I'm not sure what to do at this point. I've been avoiding the supporters that I have gathered so far and have cancelled the meetups and house parties with no particular reason. I'm waiting for them to catch on themselves.

But, then again, I can use these supporters for Kerry's cause. If I do have a meetup or house party, I'll just show all the rantings of Dean and all his retracted statements and ask them where they stand on this. We can all have a dated Dean but married Kerry party!! I know alot of y'all don't like Kerry or democrats but, I really don't have a plan at this point. I need to sit back for a few months and rejuvinate the campaign efforts then.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
Somehow I missed this one. Please elaborate.

Perhaps someone else can fill in the details. I am doing this from memory. An older gentleman - but obviously not a Dean supporter - asked him to not be so mean and attacking the others, or of Bush. To not be "pompous" (pretty sure that was a word used) and whatever happened to "love thy neighbor"? When he started to go further, Dean raised his voice and told him to shut up, you've had your say, now I'll have mine, and declared that "Bush is NOT my neighbor" (meaning, yeah, I'm Christian, like I said, but since he ain't my neighbor, I'm free to whomp his azz).

It was a bit rude to this man, and despite the circumstance - a question posed by what appeared to be, a conservative or a Republican - it was a bit over the top, especially because of the man's age.

Actually, the one that *really* gets me is his spontaneous singing of the National Anthem in order to drown out a heckler.

One of the things I *like* about Bush. You heckle him, he'll smile and say "that's what I love about this country; freedom of speech". He doesn't lose his cool.


I agree with you Sam. I think Dean would have scored major points if he had let the older man have his say, state that he appreciates all points of view and differing opinions, and then state that President Bush and he have different opinions, just like he and the old man. That would have been much better than "Sit down and shut up! You've had your say, now I'll have mine."

With the LaRouche crowd I would have let them get their hollars out, tell them essentially the same thing I would have said to the old man, and then ask them to select a representative for me to talk to. I would then challenge the guy on any issue he wanted to bring up. Singing the national anthem as bulging body guards drag protesters out of the auditorium doesn't say much for your feelings on free speach.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SamSpade
Actually, the one that *really* gets me is his spontaneous singing of the National Anthem in order to drown out a heckler.
That was just nutty and frightening. I got this mental picture of Hitler singing the Horst Wessel song while he loaded Jews off to the ovens.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
That was just nutty and frightening. I got this mental picture of Hitler singing the Horst Wessel song while he loaded Jews off to the ovens.

And yet you have groups like comparing President Bush to Hitler. It is very scarry.


Football addict
i know!

Originally posted by hwyman3
And yet you have groups like comparing President Bush to Hitler. It is very scarry.

i know i mean come on bush doesnt even have a mustache!:biggrin:


Originally posted by vraiblonde
That was just nutty and frightening. I got this mental picture of Hitler singing the Horst Wessel song while he loaded Jews off to the ovens.

My mental picture as well!