Originally posted by dems4me
Somehow I missed this one. Please elaborate.
Perhaps someone else can fill in the details. I am doing this from memory. An older gentleman - but obviously not a Dean supporter - asked him to not be so mean and attacking the others, or of Bush. To not be "pompous" (pretty sure that was a word used) and whatever happened to "love thy neighbor"? When he started to go further, Dean raised his voice and told him to shut up, you've had your say, now I'll have mine, and declared that "Bush is NOT my neighbor" (meaning, yeah, I'm Christian, like I said, but since he ain't my neighbor, I'm free to whomp his azz).
It was a bit rude to this man, and despite the circumstance - a question posed by what appeared to be, a conservative or a Republican - it was a bit over the top, especially because of the man's age.
Actually, the one that *really* gets me is his spontaneous singing of the National Anthem in order to drown out a heckler.
One of the things I *like* about Bush. You heckle him, he'll smile and say "that's what I love about this country; freedom of speech". He doesn't lose his cool.