So, who you got winning the PGA Championship?


Tiger!!!!!! Hopefully Homer will go on another hate spewed tantrum about how Tiger only ever won because he was on steroids.....

Seriously though.....I don't know who is going to step up and take prediction is it won't be a big name.:buddies:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The age of field or Tiger is over.

Let's have Bubba hold together over 3 more days with that pulp fiction crime drama of a swing of his. I kinda enjoy watching very time he takes it back and then being amazed when his ball actually comes down in play and on target. I always got Furyks swing, he does deliver the club head inside out but Bubba, man, that's a whole new box of semi associated moving parts there, boys!


The age of field or Tiger is over.

Let's have Bubba hold together over 3 more days with that pulp fiction crime drama of a swing of his. I kinda enjoy watching very time he takes it back and then being amazed when his ball actually comes down in play and on target. I always got Furyks swing, he does deliver the club head inside out but Bubba, man, that's a whole new box of semi associated moving parts there, boys!

I'm a little suprised at that statement. Let's come back to this in 2 years and see if there was any truth to that. I can't believe the amount of people that are writing off one of the most dominant athletes of all time so quickly....I really believe he'll get it back. It's not something that happens overnight.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm a little suprised at that statement. Let's come back to this in 2 years and see if there was any truth to that. I can't believe the amount of people that are writing off one of the most dominant athletes of all time so quickly....I really believe he'll get it back. It's not something that happens overnight.

Allow me to clarify. I believe he will win more. I think he will pass Jack. What I mean is that the week in, week out, pick Tiger or pick the field, he as favorite every single time he tee's it up is over. Too many young guns who are winning and playing well who grew up, like Jack worshiping Arnold, wirshiping Tiger, yet are coming not to praise him but to bury him, like Jack.



Nothing to see here
The age of field or Tiger is over.

Let's have Bubba hold together over 3 more days with that pulp fiction crime drama of a swing of his. I kinda enjoy watching very time he takes it back and then being amazed when his ball actually comes down in play and on target. I always got Furyks swing, he does deliver the club head inside out but Bubba, man, that's a whole new box of semi associated moving parts there, boys!

With Tiger now celibate and off the roids, certainly its over..:killingme


With Tiger now celibate and off the roids, certainly its over..:killingme


I think when he gets it together and it clicks again...he'll be back with a vengance and set a new precident of dominance....he is still rather young for his sport and i'm sure he feels like he has a lot to prove now....

But then again....Tiger is my "fallen demi god" so what do I know? lol


Nothing to see here

I think when he gets it together and it clicks again...he'll be back with a vengance and set a new precident of dominance....he is still rather young for his sport and i'm sure he feels like he has a lot to prove now....

But then again....Tiger is my "fallen demi god" so what do I know? lol

He just needs to get his mind right, thats what made him great.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He just needs to get his mind right, thats what made him great.

If Jack had the same group of quitters, self destructors, chokers and stiffs Tiger has been romping on for the last 13 years, he'd have 30 majors. Maybe 40.

A HUGE part of the equation for any competitor is...the competition and Tiger is in trouble now not just because of his mind not being right but, when he has a tournament where he's 'right', he's gonna be facing a mob of young kids who are itching to get at him. He taught them to not fear beating people.

I mean, look at the board here with 6 to go. Any given week, one of them youngin's is gonna be 'on'. :buddies:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
They better not be getting ready to disqualify Johnson. I CAN'T be a bunker if the crowd has been standing IN it all day!!!!


Nothing to see here
They better not be getting ready to disqualify Johnson. I CAN'T be a bunker if the crowd has been standing IN it all day!!!!

I didn't see it, just read the recap on the WaPo..This is total bs if the crowd has been going thru it all tourney..One of the quotes from Johnson was that he didn't even know it was a bunker..

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I didn't see it, just read the recap on the WaPo..This is total bs if the crowd has been going thru it all tourney..One of the quotes from Johnson was that he didn't even know it was a bunker..

Local rules.

The official came out and said that they went over this with the players not only on the local rules sheet given to each player but emphasized that ALL the sand areas would be played as built and intended; as bunkers and, AND that the player need be aware that this includes bunkers that may be behind the ropes.

It was a good, proper ruling, well within the spirit and intent of the rules.

My initial reaction was wrong and would be the same as me arguing a pond or OB behind the ropes should suddenly not count.

If this is true, that it was on the local rules sheet then that is all there is to it. If it is also true that the officials EMPHASIZED this to the players then I lost a boat load of respect for Johnson because he should have bucked up and said so, clearly, in his post round interview. This was a golden moment that could have become legend for the game, and for him, in that classic, honorable way of the player always taking full responsibility in the best spirit of the game.



Nothing to see here
I did read this morning that the players were told all week about the traps, so it should have been on Johnson's mind and, at the least, asked for a ruling before addressing the ball. But, if the trap was behind the ropes and the crowd was allowed to trample thru it all weekend, that sure seems out of the ordinary.