So wrong

The Dude

You mean coitus?
hborror said:
Yes he did get it from the parents no doubt BUT the woman that was jump was not associated with him or the parents at all, just a woman wearing the shirt supporting her son or daughter.

and I also want to say again because I know some of you will take what I say and twist it around. I think the child was wrong to say what he did, and I am glad he is getting kick off the team.

:yeahthat: agreed!
beerlover said:
Maybe if they didn't act like N's they wouldn't get called N's. Not excusing the kid using the word, but the 4 ladies sure deserve to called it.
Nope, maybe Imus's term would fit....


How you like me now?
hborror said:
A child from the La Plata football team threw out the N word acouple times and he is being kicked off the team....BUT because that 1 stupid kid 4 black women from the Charles County team jumped a mom wearing a La Plata shirt saying she didn't belong in Waldorf.

and whoever gave me the red screw you :howdy:

Any body jump in to help her or did they just stand around? Anybody report it or at least get the tag numbers?


How you like me now?
meangirl said:
I was wondering about that too. :yay:

I did not hear anything about it, until I read this post, but I be God Damned if I am going to sit back and watch someone get jumped.

I do not care if I am supposed to help or not I am. That is just bullshait.

I hope they have those women in custody and there is no bail.

Meangirl you avatar is hot....


Nicole_in_somd said:
I did not hear anything about it, until I read this post, but I be God Damned if I am going to sit back and watch someone get jumped.

I do not care if I am supposed to help or not I am. That is just bullshait.

I hope they have those women in custody and there is no bail.

Meangirl you avatar is hot....
Your AV isn't too shabby either.


Methodically disorganized
Nicole_in_somd said:
I hope they have those women in custody and there is no bail.
Ya know, about two years ago I read a police report - and started a thread - about a dude who was arrested for being involved in a drive-by and a knife assault in Waldorf.

The sad part was he was arrested, taken to the detention center, and released on personal recognizance because... the CCDC is so crowded they only have room for the toughest offenders. :twitch:

There are so many more pieces of filth walking free than the system can handle.


How you like me now?
hvp05 said:
Ya know, about two years ago I read a police report - and started a thread - about a dude who was arrested for being involved in a drive-by and a knife assault in Waldorf.

The sad part was he was arrested, taken to the detention center, and released on personal recognizance because... the CCDC is so crowded they only have room for the toughest offenders. :twitch:

There are so many more pieces of filth walking free than the system can handle.

OMG you have got to be kidding me. I would hate to see what they consider tougher....oh well good night for now... :howdy: