So, ya think the local honkeytonk is fun?


New Member
Cubik@Nation :dance:

C'mon. Let's bypass the local entertainment for a road trip! I want to know what makes the place you go to on Friday's/Saturday's "the best" and why. I like going to Cubik cuz I have met some of my best friends there. The staff is the best, and I have had the best of times.... This isn't a mine is better than yours kinda thread, just what makes your corner of the bar fun.........Here weeeeeeeeeee go!:dance:Planet EDM
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I like to go out in the woods alone on Fridays and Saturday nights. No, not because I like it, it's because I hate large groups of sweaty people and loud beepy music that seems like it is coming from a malfunctioning dial up modem. I sit and look at trees, not because I admire they have been there for hundreds of years, but they don't say a damn word to me. Sometimes I will float out to the middle of the Potomac, on my green inflatable alligator pool toy, just me and the Green Port and Red Starboard channel markers, with the occasional seagull or comorant. I like to go back to where I used to work, and make fun of them, and bother them because they are not out with no one on Friday night.

I hope this thought out response was helpful.:biggrin:


But wait, there's more...
In my opinion, the best friday or saturday night hotspot in southern maryland is the deck on the back of my house. I don't have loud, obnoxious, slimey-pawed men huffing liquor-breath in my ear, I always dig the music, can drink as much or as little as I want, have a great view, don't have to worry about driving after having a few, and can crawl to bed in about 50 paces no matter how much I choose to drink. :yay:

I just don't get too much into the bar scene. :ohwell: Guess I'm approaching old age. :frown:


New Member
My deck is great!!!

I just want to tell eveyone that my deck is great also. I love to go out there and drink a few all by myself, then I like to pass out on it. I love how I don't have to meet anybody different then me. God forbid I have any friends, or anywheres to go. :neener:

SYKE!!!!!!!!!! I like going places with actual people who are not trees! And I love getting drunk socially. How else would I know what I did last night?!


Salt Life
I don't go out to get drunk, although it has happened. :biggrin: Rather, I go out to have a good time and interract with friends, new and old. The beers are usually cheap, and the music is always something you can dance to. It's also away from the city life and horendous traffic. :bubble:


b*tch rocket
Re: My deck is great!!!

Originally posted by cityboy
SYKE!!!!!!!!!! I like going places with actual people who are not trees! And I love getting drunk socially. How else would I know what I did last night?!

Ahhh, the pompousness of youth. I do remember those days. :lol: I was sooooo much more "progressive" than I am now (In my own mind) . :duh:

Look kid, I've been there, done that, been a little further away than a DC club. :duh: Trust me when I say, you too shall grow out of the need to be around a bunch of drunken kids. At least we can hope. There's nothing more trifling than seeing a middle aged man bumping and grinding in a club. :yikes:


Re: Re: My deck is great!!!

Originally posted by Christy
Ahhh, the pompousness of youth. I do remember those days. :lol: I was sooooo much more "progressive" than I am now (In my own mind) . :duh:

Look kid, I've been there, done that, been a little further away than a DC club. :duh: Trust me when I say, you too shall grow out of the need to be around a bunch of drunken kids. At least we can hope. There's nothing more trifling than seeing a middle aged man bumping and grinding in a club. :yikes:

Not ALL of us are like him....

Yay I'm going to a big ass square with strobe lights tonight to do a tard helmet dance with a bunch of people! :lol:

Hows yer thumb?:confused:


b*tch rocket
Re: Re: Re: My deck is great!!!

Originally posted by darkriver4362
Not ALL of us are like him....

Yay I'm going to a big ass square with strobe lights tonight to do a tard helmet dance with a bunch of people! :lol:

:killingme You're too much darky. :lol: That's quite a mental visual. :jet:

Originally posted by darkriver4362

Hows yer thumb?:confused: [/B]

Doing pretty good, (for an effed up thumb). I tossed the splint I was wearing and opted for just extra padding, I have so much gauze wrapped around the top of it, it litterally looks like a lightbulb. Or a big white chicken drumstick. :twitch:

fishn guy

I like to hang out at the back road inn, nobody there talks to you either they just kind of ignore you wich is cool if you just want to drink and watch tv.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if...?

cityboy drives home after he gets nice an wasted?
Gee, that's a lot of fun too until that other guy wouldn't get out of my lane.


Re: I wonder if...?

Originally posted by Hessian
cityboy drives home after he gets nice an wasted?
Gee, that's a lot of fun too until that other guy wouldn't get out of my lane.

10 years in prison (I wish)


New Member
No driving Actually

No, I actually know him and some of their friends. With the club open until 6am, they usually stay until the club closes. Actually, a lot of people do. I guess the fact that they serve until 3, and the club is open til 6 or later, people tend to have a better time than at the local dives where they toss ya out at 2am (when it really is more like 1:30-1:45) I am usually working, and it is kinda odd to see a trail of cars that leave DC for St Mary's on Saturday mornings.:barf:


New Member
I carpool

Actually I carpool with a group of friends up to DC, and back down to St. Mary's when I go drinking. You won't see me driving when I'm wasted. So can we say IN YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dance: