

We're starting to think it might be a baby. It will be my husband's and mine second, the first is almost 17 months. Little one better get potty trained in 9 months because I don't think I can deal with two in diapers.

Two kids in diapers in the house isn't that bad. Get a diaper genie, and learn how to use it well. And buy roughly 15000 cases of baby wipes. You'll be fine.

Plus, y'know the first few months of newborn-poo isn't that bad. It's green, slimy and gross, but it's not nowhere near in the same league as the 1 & 2 year olds solid-brown loaves which can smear into nooks and crannies that you never even knew were there, and don't appear in biology textbooks.

The only time it can get bad is when one or both of them are sick with the squirts. My little guy got sick this summer, and after about 3 days I felt like I was living in a monkey-house with fecal matter everywhere. It was pure nightmare. I'd rather have 5 healthy diaper filling booger-pickers running around, than 1 sick one.

Ironically, two weeks after he got better, he was completely potty-trained.

We'll get a test this weekend and see what it says. I really wanted to be tan and were the new dresses I bought at the end of summer next year but it looks like that might not be the case.

Well, think of it this way: If you are, then you just doubled your chances of being well-taken-care-of in your old age.

Congratulations if another little ninja is headed your way. It's going to be fun!


New Member
Two kids in diapers in the house isn't that bad. Get a diaper genie, and learn how to use it well. And buy roughly 15000 cases of baby wipes. You'll be fine.

Plus, y'know the first few months of newborn-poo isn't that bad. It's green, slimy and gross, but it's not nowhere near in the same league as the 1 & 2 year olds solid-brown loaves which can smear into nooks and crannies that you never even knew were there, and don't appear in biology textbooks.

The only time it can get bad is when one or both of them are sick with the squirts. My little guy got sick this summer, and after about 3 days I felt like I was living in a monkey-house with fecal matter everywhere. It was pure nightmare. I'd rather have 5 healthy diaper filling booger-pickers running around, than 1 sick one.

Ironically, two weeks after he got better, he was completely potty-trained.

Well, think of it this way: If you are, then you just doubled your chances of being well-taken-care-of in your old age.

Congratulations if another little ninja is headed your way. It's going to be fun!

I stayed away from the diaper jeanie with the first and it's worked out well, only a few times that we have come home to the lovely aroma of a poop diaper left in the trash can.

I'm with you on the squirts, little one had it last winter for a week and it was the longest, crappiest week ever.

We wanted another, but it was one of those situations where the first has turned out to be a monster toddler that we were waiting to see if it got worse or better. The terrible two's have visited this girl early.

I'm excited if I am, I'm just remembering all the unpleasanties and not looking forward to some of it again. The first pregnancy was fine, just the heartburn, swelling and discomfort towards the end. Otherwise, I didn't have any morning/afternoon/night sickness and never missed any work besides for dr's appts.


We wanted another, but it was one of those situations where the first has turned out to be a monster toddler that we were waiting to see if it got worse or better. The terrible two's have visited this girl early.

The bad news is that, in my experience, just because the terrible two's come early that doesn't necessarily mean they will go away early.

But they do go away.

I remember the exact second that the terrible two's hit my daughter. That was a fun day. But she's much better now, and has been for quite a while. It's a minor hiccup in the big scheme of things. I'm afraid of the teen years though.

I figure about 2012 or so (assuming the world doesn't end that year) I'm going to go into seclusion for a few years.

There's some really nice caves in Arizona that I've been eyeballing.


Rocky Mountain High!!
The bad news is that, in my experience, just because the terrible two's come early that doesn't necessarily mean they will go away early.
But they do go away.

In the case of a male child they come back the day he gets married. :nono:

GOOD LORD those tests are so accurate you could know the DAY your :gossip: is late. Why torture yourself???? :confused: Just don't pee on our hand. :dead:

Can't wait for the day they tell ya what sex it is when you find out you are with those little test kits.
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New Member
The bad news is that, in my experience, just because the terrible two's come early that doesn't necessarily mean they will go away early.

But they do go away.

I remember the exact second that the terrible two's hit my daughter. That was a fun day. But she's much better now, and has been for quite a while. It's a minor hiccup in the big scheme of things. I'm afraid of the teen years though.

I figure about 2012 or so (assuming the world doesn't end that year) I'm going to go into seclusion for a few years.

There's some really nice caves in Arizona that I've been eyeballing.

:lmao: If grandma keeps letting her rule the roost at daycare, who knows how long this behavior will continue. She's a terrible bully but also affectionate (after she beats up her buddies and makes them cry).


My Sweetest Boy
The bad news is that, in my experience, just because the terrible two's come early that doesn't necessarily mean they will go away early.

But they do go away.

I remember the exact second that the terrible two's hit my daughter. That was a fun day. But she's much better now, and has been for quite a while. It's a minor hiccup in the big scheme of things. I'm afraid of the teen years though.

I figure about 2012 or so (assuming the world doesn't end that year) I'm going to go into seclusion for a few years.

There's some really nice caves in Arizona that I've been eyeballing.

Got any teenagers?


New Member
Test came up positive and still no period and I've been feeling sick if I don't munch constantly, so the consensus is yes, we're having another little bundle. I'm going to go to the doctors at the end of the month and get the official test done.

I'm excited and so is my mom. My mom wants to buy new bedroom furniture for the current one so the new one can have the baby furniture.

My little one loves babies so I'm sure she will be a big help taking care of the new one. She's really good about throwing diapers away, handing stuff to you and cooing and patting babies to comfort them. It's amazing how much of a nuturing nature she has.