


Does anyone have to ride today in this wonderful weather


Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
I've been out of many a Hunt in weather like this. Nothing better then getting mud kicked up in your face from the horse in front of you.:lmao:


Horse Poor
I don't miss the days of working horses in this kind of weather. I use to jog standardbreds, hated that 50lbs of wet sand in your lap when you got off the jog cart.......I'd rather just go out and take care of the 2 I have and then say see ya later....:lmao:


New Member
Feelin bad for sis, she had to ride at the track this morning. Luckily I think most of her rides were in the hacienda (indoor small track) I heard she got tossed into the cinderblock wall though :(. I have my wonderful indoor. Think maybe I'll go saddle up in a bit and school some beasties.


New Member
My 1:30 cancelled....fair weather riders:whistle: Just kidding! Brrr.

excuseee me woman! :smack: JK
I would have rode, but id rather wait till its a nice day and we can ride in the outdoor and have lots of space and everything. I dont mind riding in the rain, just not when there is 50mph gusts while its raining and the temp drops way down.:evil:


New Member
Im a sport, will do hot, hot and wet, and cold, will not do cold and wet, I'll even ride when snowing! just not cold and wet, YUCK.


I ride in all weather...except open fields with big lightening bolts. Then I hop off. I feel really tall and metallic.