

Ahhhh Florida!
excuseee me woman! :smack: JK
I would have rode, but id rather wait till its a nice day and we can ride in the outdoor and have lots of space and everything. I dont mind riding in the rain, just not when there is 50mph gusts while its raining and the temp drops way down.:evil:


laura+flare= gone
I rode today on a trail, about 4pm-5pm with flare, too wet to ride in the pasture where I have the barrels set up. I had three layers on, a beanie hat under the helmet, and one hand in my sleeve the other on the reigns, thank goodness for neck reigning. I was half way through the trail, in an open field, when I remembered that it was hunting season, and I was wearing red, which look exactly like the leaves, so I gibbered to the dog most of the way so that if there was any hunters they would hear me.
I rode over (its part of the farm rode so its kind of an over pass thingy) are creek and man was it going! I think we're almost out of this drought.

It was really pretty out, i wish i had brought my camera...