mv = margaritaville
Probably.pingrr said:It sounds like you need Jesus in your life.
Probably.pingrr said:It sounds like you need Jesus in your life.
How much are the face dances there?pingrr said:Sure at Rose's the more the marrier. Plus after Roses I can give you a tour of the special rooms in the back of the book store.
pappy said:How much are the face dances there?
SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETpingrr said:It depends on who you get it from. If you get it from the top girl it will cost you $5.
Probably need that toochernmax said:Fixed:![]()
pingrr said:It depends on who you get it from. If you get it from the top girl it will cost you $5.
So all I need is $20 and I can go all nightchernmax said:The botton girl is 35 cents, bring change, the girls always claim to have none...![]()
pappy said:So all I need is $20 and I can go all night![]()
This I have to seepingrr said:$10 will last you all night. You could get a face dace from all of the girls and a couple curtacy tugs for $9.
I can't do crap tonight. Today's my daughter's first birthday so I'm going to spoil her even more rottensmoothmarine187 said:So are we going tonight or what?
Tell the squidette Happy Birthday for mecrazysquid said:I can't do crap tonight. Today's my daughter's first birthday so I'm going to spoil her even more rotten![]()
Wish I could have gonepingrr said:I just got back from rose's. It looks like all of you punks missed out on a real good time. I just got $6 dollar special.
You should have. That place is WONDERFUL!!!!crazysquid said:Wish I could have gone