mv = margaritaville
How am I a ho?hairybeast said:yet again another forum ho
How am I a ho?hairybeast said:yet again another forum ho
hairybeast said:yet again another forum ho
And I am a great tease.Floyd2004 said:Hey if I get nothing out of it then that makes her a tease not a Ho.
chess said:Murphy sold his SOUL TODAY... what a assclown
mv_princess said:How am I a ho?
chess said:how would you know.. YOu probably cant see your feet, let alone your dick.. ###
mv_princess said:And I am a great tease.
Are you sure you want to know?Floyd2004 said:Dont know...
chess said:What do you know about DOJO SOUTHeast SUCKA
smurfie said:He is probably jealous because he wants to do the nasty with you. Princess dont let that guy get to you!
pingrr said:What did he do?
mv_princess said:Are you sure you want to know?
Floyd2004 said:Dont know...
He can keep those to himself. I am clean and don't need any sort of STD's. ew.chess said:he wants to bump uglies duh![]()
comebabycome said:aw, your ##### would be mad to know that you wanna have someone tease you...![]()
smurfie said:Uh Oh, someone is in big time trouble. Floyd has a girlfriend I guess is what your trying to say ?
comebabycome said:well, i'm assuming that she's his gf, unless he just pokes her now and then, but i don't think she would like seeing him being teased by a wannabee princess online....