Some Notes on the Bolton Nomination



dems4me said:
Obviously noone is 100% perfect, if there were any weaknesses with Bolton, what would you speculate them to be in your opinion?

Good observation! As I've said before, only Vrai is 100% perfect (or so she tells me). :razz: So if we can understand that no one is 100% perfect, then we have to go with someone who has the right strengths and flaws that we can live with. The greatest guy I ever worked for was a total ass-hole to his people. He was gruff, short-tempered, arrogant, and demanding, but mostly to people who weren't getting their job done. Many hated him, but I loved the guy. He got the job done, made us look good, and made sure no one messed with us. That's what I think Bolton will be like. I don't think we need a slick diplogeek who will write "we're concerned and upset" letters to the UN to object to what's happening. I want someone who'll go in and say "What the fluck are you guys doing with the 70% of your budget that we're giving you?" I want to see a much, MUCH, better return on our investment in the UN, and Bolton seems to be the kind of guy who will demand it rather than go in and say "ah, well, gee. we were kinda hoping that, ah, you guys could kinda, maybe, smile upon us? I mean, if it's not too much trouble?"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
I don't think we need a slick diplogeek who will write "we're concerned and upset" letters to the UN to object to what's happening. I want someone who'll go in and say "What the fluck are you guys doing with the 70% of your budget that we're giving you?" I want to see a much, MUCH, better return on our investment in the UN, and Bolton seems to be the kind of guy who will demand it rather than go in and say "ah, well, gee. we were kinda hoping that, ah, you guys could kinda, maybe, smile upon us? I mean, if it's not too much trouble?"
This is exactly what it's all about. (And thanks for acknowledging my perfection :diva:)

There are two types of people in the world:
  1. Those who repeatedly admonish, "I mean it this time! This is your last warning! Next time you're gonna be in trouble! I'm not kidding this time!" and think "strongly worded letters" are an effective punishment.
  2. Those who outline the consequences of wrongdoing one time, then follow up on them.
Democrats are obviously in that first category. Republicans try to be in the second category, but they typically wuss out. Bolton apparently has this reputation for being a mean SOB who holds people accountable for their actions. Based solely on that, I think he's a fabulous pick for UN Ambassador.

Raley, what you're missing is that people like me don't care if some third-world craphole thinks we're nice. We don't care about the criticism of countries that would ban kitchen knives or throw a writer in jail if they disparage Islam. Liberals want to let the inmates run the asylum; people like me say, "Hey, buddy, there's a reason you're an inmate, now get your #### together."

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'll wait while you reconcile thouse two statements...

Democrats are not standing in the way of ANY change in Social Security; most oppose accounts,


Social Securty is DEAD. The ONLY way it works is with a strong worker to retiree ratio. Demographics changed that equation. Not Republicans. Not Democrats. We will be down to two workers for every retiree before long. It's OVER.

Are you really gonna make me list the numerous left leaning editorials that state that Democrats are offering nothing? Are you really gonna make me list numerous comments by leading Demcorats that there is nothing wrong with Social Security that a few tax increases won't fix?

Your party spends it's social security time belittling the Presidents plans, offering no help, no ideas.

You can be upset, they're your feelings but I really think something has changed you in the last few months. There is NO argument to be had about Social Security other than what do we replace it with for people younger than their mid 40's or so.

It's as simple as that.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
rraley said:
...That's why President Bush's message regarding the spread of democracy worldwide attracts me so much; it's idealistic, it's what Kennedy, Wilson, and FDR were all about.
I disagree with you on FDR. He is the President I would credit with the institution of socialism as part of the United States and ignoring the true interpretation of the Constitution.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
I disagree with you on FDR. He is the President I would credit with the institution of socialism as part of the United States and ignoring the true interpretation of the Constitution.

I was discussing FDR's foreign policy standing against Nazism in World War II, not his economic policies. You are correct to point to the fact that FDR is responsible for the creation of the American social welfare state, which some call socialism.


I don't consider FDR's New Deal to be Socialism... maybe Socialism Lite. I think that at the onset it was meant to provide help to those who needed it the most. Unfortunately, anytime that you take the responsibility for taking care of oneself and tranfer it from the individual to the government, there's going to be abuses on both sides of the checks, and they always grow bigger and more expensive as you go on.


For the record, I didn't think Hillary care was Socialism either... it was an out-and-out robbery. Everytime I hear about Universal Healthcare, I know that what's really being said is that guys like me are going to continue paying our premiums for our medical insurance, PLUS we're going to pay extra to cover those who won't or can't pay. With Socialized medicine everybody should be paying for a lower level of service.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...considering the hallmark of Hillcare was the EXCLUSION of actual doctors in the planning (which was the cause of the collapse)...

I didn't think Hillary care was Socialism either


socialism: general term for the political and economic theory that advocates a system of collective or government ownership and management of the means of production and distribution of goods. Because of the collective nature of socialism, it is to be contrasted to the doctrine of the sanctity of private property that characterizes capitalism. Where capitalism stresses competition and profit, socialism calls for cooperation and social service.

...I can't think of a better way to describe what she was after.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
Actually we've been kowtowing to thugs and criminals since the inception of our country. I just read a facinating article on our little war with the Barbary States at the turn of the 19th century.
Huh? Decatur? "Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute"? Shores of Tripoli? Ring a bell? Just how much did you read?

Admittedly we caved at the end of the first war - but once we were out of hot water with England and France - we kicked the crap out of those bastards once and for all. Unlike England and France, who for years subsidized those crooks by paying them off. Cowards.


Socialism: general term for the political and economic theory that advocates a system of collective or government ownership and management of the means of production and distribution of goods.

This is not what Hillary wanted to do, nor what Dean did in Vermont. In a Socialistic environment, everybody contributes to the central government, and then everybody gets the same level of service. Now of course, that's not to say that wealthy people can't go outside of the system to get better healthcare (at their own expense of course), but everybody gets the same basic level of service.

With Dean/Hillary care, you and I would get no basic level of service for being a member of The Great Society. You and I would have to continue paying our insurance premiums, plus pay extra to cover the costs of everybody who can't afford insurance. There's no provision for us to say "I don't want to pay $600 a month for medical insurance even though I'm making $100,000 a year, so just give me the basic US Healthcare service." That's not the way socialized medicine works, but it is a great example of a "rob the rich to buy votes from the poor" scheme.