Someone farted



I like farting in the stair well at work, usually someone else gets the blame.


New Member
There is nothing so gross as knowing that someones intestinal molicules has entered your respiratory system....ewwwww!:barf:


There is nothing so gross as knowing that someones intestinal molicules has entered your respiratory system....ewwwww!:barf:

Whats worse in the gym is people may be also breathing through their mouth so their intestinal molecules have entered their mouth too!


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
For any of you ladies (or men) out there that take yoga or pilates, you KNOW that not a week goes by that someone has't "released negative energy" into the room! :lol:


When I release a "Ninja Fart" or SBD, I tend to walk away from the area and get a drink of water utilizing the fan effect. :whistle:


Another thing I like to do at work is fart in the computer chairs, and when somebody else sits down it gives them a wonderful experience.


Supper's Ready
where Im from, we call that Fart and Flee process,,, "Crop dusting"


When my uncle Bill would go to the bar with my Dad, he'd let one go at one end of the bar and "walk it down" and take his seat...then watch the others play the blame game with each other. :lol:


I would rather smell a fart than some of the funk:barf: coming off some people
at the gym. There was one guy who would get on the elliptical and I was on the treadmill behind him. Talk about disgusting. I don't think he ever heard of deodorant or a shower. :barf:


I would rather smell a fart than some of the funk:barf: coming off some people
at the gym. There was one guy who would get on the elliptical and I was on the treadmill behind him. Talk about disgusting. I don't think he ever heard of deodorant or a shower. :barf:

friggin hippies :peace: