Something blew up in Arlington, VA



One of the ladies I was chatting with lives about 1/2 mile from there and she said her house shook pretty hard.

I texted my youngest son letting him know something exploded close by and to check on his friend that lives close in that area. He did and sent me a photo his friend sent of the explosion. Thankfully he is okay but he is so close, he could spit on this fire - just one building away.
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Son's friend said the swat team has been at the house since 3 p.m.

That video has now gone everywhere - it is on all the news stations now.
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Well, I would like more information but somebody is awful busy at the moment. He has been busy with the media reaching out to him but this video got posted HERE first. I had the inside scoop. :lol:

I clicked on the video posting right after my son sent it and the account had maybe 100 followers - now look?? In that short amount of time?

Rumor has it the home owner shot a flare gun and blew up the house.


That snowman didn't stand a chance.
It's crazy and that area has apartment buildings mixed in there as well. My son's other friend is several structures down and can see the flames from his window. Many are sitting/standing on the roof of the apartment building next door just watching it burn.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
It's crazy and that area has apartment buildings mixed in there as well. My son's other friend is several structures down and can see the flames from his window. Many are sitting/standing on the roof of the apartment building next door just watching it burn.
Glad they are all ok.


Well-Known Member
At first I thought no, but after looking at it again, there appears to be a gas flareup after the explosion. Maybe the explosion cracked a gas line.
Gas would have to fill the place before ignition for it to blow like that, but if SWAT had been there since 3pm..makes me wonder what the hell was going on.


Just sneakin' around....
Gas would have to fill the place before ignition for it to blow like that, but if SWAT had been there since 3pm..makes me wonder what the hell was going on.
Yeah, not sure. Something just doesn't look like a gas explosion. No big fireball at the time of explosion, it was afterwards.


Just sneakin' around....
WJLA says they were trying to issue an arrest warrant.

Edit: Search warrant, not arrest.
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Is that the same house as the one in the video? (I pulled the photo off Redfin) It looks like it is a duplex in the video I posted, doesn't it?

Read the comments @JordanSchachtel

Sounds like the guy was absolutely bat shiat crazy.