Something stinks in Stinkville


You know what really stinks in all this.

The sanctuary places are the ones with the biggest outbreaks. They were busy bellyaching about how racist sanctuary policies were. They choose to spend money to protect illegals vs. stocking up any sort of medical supplies. And even now, they are booing and crying all over any media outlet that will listen. Like Governor Cuomo. He has been the biggest bellyacher of them all. He was too busy trying to limit the size of your drink last year thinking this was the biggest threat to public health. Detroit is off the chain. I swear, just about their entire essential front line and correctional officers either have it, have died from it or are in quarantine.

People are dying less from the actual virus and more from the lack of medical care. THIS IS WHY WE HAVE TO LIMIT IMMIGRATION. We cannot have piles of people unaccounted for because it makes it difficult to match the resources you have.

China knew they had a problem - whether they created it themselves or not - we may never know. They could have alerted the world but they didn't and that is truly unfortunate. In Wuhan, ironically, many people showed up in celebration from all over the place and in the early days, departed to everywhere else when it was over. That is how we got here but I still believe the break out was much earlier than originally thought.
I don't know if it was planned or not but I sure as hell know, you don't eat bats and any other exotic creature you get your hands on.

The people of NY are scattering to other non-sanctuary places - ironic? I think not!


PREMO Member
China knew they had a problem - whether they created it themselves or not - we may never know. They could have alerted the world but they didn't and that is truly unfortunate. In Wuhan, ironically, many people showed up in celebration from all over the place and in the early days, departed to everywhere else when it was over. That is how we got here but I still believe the break out was much earlier than originally thought.
I don't know if it was planned or not but I sure as hell know, you don't eat bats and any other exotic creature you get your hands on.

from what I have read China knew about this back in Dec or earlier ... and suppressed the conversation, destroyed test results all to continue looking good ..... letting infected return abroad this is why Italy has been hit so hard, a large contingent of Chinese workers as part of the Trade Program Belt and Road