Sons of Anarchy


Witchy Woman
Anyone watching this "Outlaw Biker" show Wednesdays on FX? It's really pretty good. :yay::yay:

I love the role that Katey Sagal is playing and Charlie Hunnam, who plays Jax, is just yummy. :yum:
Saw one episode. Liked it. Just can't keep track of what shows are on what non-public airwave channels and when they are on.


Witchy Woman
Saw one episode. Liked it. Just can't keep track of what shows are on what non-public airwave channels and when they are on.

That's why I love my DVR. I see something I like, I set a season pass, it keeps track, records them all and I can watch when I have the time :yay:


I bowl overhand
The 1% crowd.. YEAH


I don't know where they dug up some of the actors, some of the acting is just plain BAD! Loved the thug walk Jax has.. what a hoot.


Witchy Woman
The 1% crowd.. YEAH


I don't know where they dug up some of the actors, some of the acting is just plain BAD! Loved the thug walk Jax has.. what a hoot.

I think the acting is getting better. The first show was really rough. But Jax can bring his swing into my backyard any day. :hot:

1%ers aren't the kinds of guys I want to hang out with, I'm not a property patch, STFU and do what your told kinda gal, but it's cool watching them on TV.:lol:

B was never Outlaw, but it takes us 2&1/2 hours to watch the hour long show because he keeps pausing it so he can reminisce about his days with the Maryland Knights. :ohwell: :blahblah:


I know nothing
...fascinating how people see things. I see a funny quip from a profoundly effed up person. You see glorification.


Yes it is... I see a fictional action/drama T.V. show that is no diffrent than your average afternoon soap opera. You see criminal glorification.


Protected By Trunk Monkey
Yes it is... I see a fictional action/drama T.V. show that is no diffrent than your average afternoon soap opera. You see criminal glorification.

I see somebody else having a tit-for-tat with Larry besides me :lmao: :huggy:

Seriously though, I've watched the show a few times and I like it. Peggy Bundy is looking pretty good since her MWC days :buddies:


I bowl overhand
...what we need; another LCD show glorifying criminal behavior.

Yeah, the shoot out last night was GREAT.. they're about 30 feet apart.. shotguns, handguns, rifles.. and all anyone gets is a flesh wound.

But they all come out looking like they're some kind of heroes.

I wanted to say the same thing you did, but thought I'd come across as a
"BMW Snob"

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hey now!

Yeah, the shoot out last night was GREAT.. they're about 30 feet apart.. shotguns, handguns, rifles.. and all anyone gets is a flesh wound.

But they all come out looking like they're some kind of heroes.

I wanted to say the same thing you did, but thought I'd come across as a
"BMW Snob"

That gives me an idea.

"Sons of BMW"

It could be like where stock brokers and dentists and all sorts of decidedly un 'biker' types get together early on Sunday mornings with their full dressers, BMW's and other 'boutique' bikes that they put maybe 1,000 miles a year on and just have it out. Slapping lawsuits on one another. Insulting one another's summer homes. Belittling each others stock market foibles, hair loss therapies, belly lipo's, etc. Tell each other what they REALLY think of one anthers wives. There could be like some crisis counselors or mediators there to get things started and keep it going. And then, it could get REALLY ugly and the whole gang or, 'association', turn on the mediators and make french fry jokes about their college degrees.

It could get to be nasty, but fun.
