

To everyone that was at Tiki or North Ridge tonight that I met up with! :party: :drunk: :martini: :banana: Hope to see ya'll again soon! :cheers:


Be about it
Originally posted by Jameo
To everyone that was at Tiki or North Ridge tonight that I met up with! :party: :drunk: :martini: :banana: Hope to see ya'll again soon! :cheers:

:yeahthat: I had a ball!!! Great to meet ya'll for the 1st time Jameo, Dpete, and of course Speedo!!


Be about it
Originally posted by cariblue
You forgot Katie. Where is that timid little gal today?

She's somewhere around - at home I think. I'm on IM with her now :smile:, so I know her 'diet-coke drinkin' azz' got home just fine. :biggrin:


Be about it
Girl - I was going to call you...buttttttttttttt I didn't think anyone was going since the thread looked negative. I wasn't even planning to head out until I got home and happened to check the forums real quick and saw Rose's message 'see ya at 4:30.' I was like "Sheeeeeeeetttttttttt!!" and raced down there. Never fear, we only stayed for a couple of hours and rolled out. There will be many more times!