Southern Maryland Women IV


This is fun right?
Tigerlily said:
I am not really a massage therapist I just play one on the internet :lmao:

first "lil"BlueBallBiker2 is detached and now you kill his hope for therapy :buttkick:


Tigerlily said:
You are so gonna get it when I see you later :smack:

you can't lead the man on forever. i thought since we were all starting over honest and all he should know you are reall a ghey cowboy :howdy:


New Member
migtig said:
I really wish you'd stop posting my picture everywhere. :nono: Didn't bored mommy tell you to stop already?! :mad: You know how men chase me.
I'm sorry. Didn't think you'd mind since I was using it in a good way.... :flowers: :love: :smoochy:


New Member
It Does not matter

Tigerlily said:
You are so gonna get it when I see you later :smack:
I don't care if tigerlily is male or female they have been friendly and helpful and I am not looking toget anything ...except conversation and as this groups name say, "Greet and Meet" I just take that to mean greet each other on the net and to meet others on the net not in person. :popcorn:


New Member
Takes one to know one

migtig said:
Dearest BluesBiker2,
You may think you are being slick and making all the ladies yearn for you, however your moves are severly lacking in style, finesse and even taste. I think perhaps you have three options available to you.
One, you can continue down the path that you are on. I really don't know where it goes, but it does make you look like a pathetic :loser:
Two, you can ask for advice from the true master, fddog, or even one of his minions on how to properly mack a lady.
Three, you can give up, change your screen name and come back as an mpd and have a good time hanging out with and getting to know people and laugh at the pathetic :losers:
Anyway, whatever you do, I wish you the best, but I really hope you clean up the :loser: act. It's sad.
You sound like a person of experience in this field.