Speaking of Crappy Talk Radio:


Anybody know the status of Al Franken and Janine Garafalo's little venture?

Last I heard they were on, like 6 stations - and on Satelitte Radio. I don't even know - is it available around here? I haven't been able to zero in on it.

Plus what's the listenership look like? Is it too early to tell what sort of ratings they can expect?

And Gosh Darnit....


... Do people like him?




Pretty much what I figured it would be. A juvenille attack-fest with little or no substance.

I'd be interested in some hard numbers about listenership. How many are DU-ites, how many are people like me who would listen for the sheer laughability. And if anyone else listens.

Originally posted by vraiblonde
You can listen to it by going to http://airamericaradio.com


I can't. No prolonged stream of media allowed here.

Maybe when I get home. Thanks.


"Fill your hands you SOB!

I just listened in for about 10 minutes...talk about raving lunatics! Air America suxs! No wonder why only 5 MINOR AM radio stations carry the show (plus the internet & XM).


Asperger's Poster Child
Haven't tried listening to it. I haven't heard any political rant radio that I've liked. Doesn't matter if it's Limbaugh and O'Reilly and Savage on the right, or Amy Goodman's Democracy Now on 89.3 on the left. There's something about the radio medium that encourages anger and stridency and an us-versus-them attitude.

Interesting thoughts: http://slate.msn.com/id/2079038

Talk isn't conservative or liberal. Scratch almost any successful radio talker, and you'll find a former Top 40 DJ who has repurposed his quick-lipped skill at dispensing shreds of meaning, moving from music to talk while remaining in the loyal service of his twin masters—the clock and the spots. Content is secondary. These guys are on the radio because they are storytellers and showmen...

FM talk—Stern, Joyner, Mancow, Don and Mike in Washington, Tom Leykis in Los Angeles—scores with young men, guys who like their radio on the risqué side, with a bulging menu of sex jokes and a powerful message that this is America and you can do whatever you want. Hint to Democrats: You may not like to admit this, but these are your voters...

Shock jocks are this country's progressive talkers, ranting for hours on end on behalf of civil liberties, sexual freedom, the rights of the little guy against the nation's big corporations and institutions (and—sorry, Dems—against affirmative action). They may not share Limbaugh's fascination with electoral politics, but on the issues that divide this country into red and blue, they are every bit as popular and powerful as the supposedly unchallenged conservatives.


Nothing to see here
too funny


After just two weeks on the air, Air America Radio, the fledgling liberal talk-radio network featuring Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo, appears to have encountered serious cash-flow problems.

The CHICAGO TRIBUNE is developing a story, insiders tell DRUDGE, on how the network was pulled off the air this morning in Chicago and Los Angeles, the network's second- and third-largest markets, because, the owner of both stations said, the network bounced a check and owes him more than $1 million! A charge the network strongly denies...

A Chicago source familiar with the situation said a Multicultural representative showed up at WNTD's offices Wednesday morning, kicked out Air America's lone staffer overseeing the network's feed to the station from New York, switched over to a Spanish-language feed, and changed the locks on the doors...

Air America filed a complaint Wednesday in New York state Supreme Court charging Multicultural with breaching their contract and seeking an injunction to force Multicultural to restore the Air America broadcast on both stations, the TRIBUNE has learned


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
How can they be having cash-flow problems already??? Aren't they funded by that MoveOn.org guy?
OMFG! The dumb b!tch that is on right now just said that Saddam invaded Kuwait because George H.W. Bush told him that there would be no U.S. reaction.

She is also claiming that the Bush Admin is responsible for them getting taken off the air in L.A. and Chicago.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by huntr1
She is also claiming that the Bush Admin is responsible for them getting taken off the air in L.A. and Chicago.

:killingme I was wondering how long before the VRWC theory was thrown out.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jazz lady
I was wondering how long before the VRWC theory was thrown out.
That's okay - the DUers have decided that the nutties who bought the ad saying Rumsfeld should be killed are really Republicans just trying to make them look bad.

:killingme :killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out
There's some truth to that one...

just said that Saddam invaded Kuwait because George H.W. Bush told him that there would be no U.S. reaction.

...right there. Apparently, Saddam has his guys feel out the US in private on taking over Kuwait and some Assistant Sec State or Under Secretary or whatever told Husseins people that either we wouldn't do anything about it or didn't object in terms strong enough to be taken as a serious objection or didn't like the color blue.

The sad part is that once again, whatever ANYONE wants to do without the UN's permision is peachy double keen with modern liberals but don't dare let any Republican Presidents blow their nose without double official UN blessings.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And there's another sad commentary...

the nutties who bought the ad saying Rumsfeld should be killed are really Republicans

...right there. If some GOP types did do the add they are simply speaking for the modern left. It's not like anyone would be surprised.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Larry Gude
If some GOP types did do the add
They didn't. The Pinellas County DNC has already stepped up to the plate and revoked the charter of this other band of nutballs.