Speaking of Funsters... How About Hillary




"Clinton, D-N.Y., spoke at the Kravis Center before a gathering of Brandeis University alumni and the public, charming the crowd with her views on a Bush administration whose strategy, she says, is to turn a blind eye when it doesn't have an answer to a serious question."

"'I believe that on both political and substantive grounds, my husband did it just right," she said, referring to former President Clinton. "The deficit reduction act didn't get one single Republican vote. He took on the gun lobby with the Brady Bill. He took on health care. He took on hard issues that we pay a president for. Frankly, it is not that hard cutting people's taxes.'" :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Talk about turning a blind eye when you don't have an answer! To fight crime, Clinton's answer was a worthless and counter-productive gun ban. What did he ever do to change health care!!! He got lucky on the deficit, and now our reserve and guard troops in Iraq are having to pick up a big part of the dinner tab for Clinton getting things "just right."

By the way... notice how Hillary has started to talk about Presidents? Looks like campaign '08 is under way.


24/7 Single Dad
Bruzilla said:
:blahblah: , my husband did Monica just right," she said, referring to former President Clinton.
Got to admit she was smart enough to be in Palm Beach this weekend instead of being snowed in with Billy.


Lovin' being Texican
"Clinton, D-N.Y., spoke at the Kravis Center before a gathering of Brandeis University alumni ". . . my husband did it just right,. . . . He took on health care. He took on hard issues. He took on Monica, that human vacuum. . . ."

Sounds like she can't move on (so how could MOVEON.org support her?)