Speculation Overdrive Halted: It's Biden


Football addict
I personally don't like the choice but it may siphone votes off Obama.

I don't think a lot of votes though. Biden doesn't illicit 'wow!' to most Democrats...or anyone else really.:lol:


Football addict
I personally don't like the choice but it may siphone votes off Obama.

I don't think a lot of votes though. Biden doesn't illicit 'wow!' to most Democrats...or anyone else really.:lol:
Oh my, I just realized it wasn't McCain's running mate.:lmao: This would be a mistake if Obama took Biden.

Perhaps he believes he can win it on his own and he wants a mate who is very safe with no controversy whatsoever.



New Member
Oh my, I just realized it wasn't McCain's running mate.:lmao: This would be a mistake if Obama took Biden.

Perhaps he believes he can win it on his own and he wants a mate who is very safe with no controversy whatsoever.


Are you drunk?

Not that there's anything wrong with that....


New Member
After working three jobs ranging from 5 this morning until 12 tonight I guess I could say I wish I were drunk.

You deserve a drink! :buddies:

Biden is EXACTLY what Obama needs.

Although I'd prefer Biden choosing Obama to be his VP...but politics is just that stupid. :shrug:


Football addict
You deserve a drink! :buddies:

Biden is EXACTLY what Obama needs.

Although I'd prefer Biden choosing Obama to be his VP...but politics is just that stupid. :shrug:
I can agree with some aspects for Biden being an ok nominee but not a great one.

What makes Biden so great to you?

Oh and I loathe beer but after dealing with 8th graders for the first time today I wanted a beer so bad.:lol:


New Member
I can agree with some aspects for Biden being an ok nominee but not a great one.

What makes Biden so great to you?

Oh and I loathe beer but after dealing with 8th graders for the first time today I wanted a beer so bad.:lol:

Rum....whiskey...wine....whichever. :shrug:

I'm on the far side of my 5:30 wake up this...errr...yesterday morning. So I'm fading.

I wanted Biden for President this entire cycle. Of course I knew he didn't have a chance......as he wasn't Hillary or Obama enough.

In my opinion...I honestly consider Biden the smartest guy in the room, at this point. And it doesn't bother me that he knows it.

Speaking for myself...any thought I had of not voting at all has been killed.

Obama/Biden 08 :patriot:


Football addict
Rum....whiskey...wine....whichever. :shrug:

I'm on the far side of my 5:30 wake up this...errr...yesterday morning. So I'm fading.

I wanted Biden for President this entire cycle. Of course I knew he didn't have a chance......as he wasn't Hillary or Obama enough.

In my opinion...I honestly consider Biden the smartest guy in the room, at this point. And it doesn't bother me that he knows it.

Speaking for myself...any thought I had of not voting at all has been killed.

Obama/Biden 08 :patriot:

I too would rather have Biden over Obama but...

What can Biden bring to the table? He's a bit more conservative on some issues such as abortion, which brings the Obama ticket closer to the middle. Now it's McCain's turn to move his chess pieces.

Biden also has a handsome appeal. A nice mug and smile can go a long way to many ignorant voters, see Kennedy v. Nixon.

What worries me about Biden is what he doesn't bring to the table. He is old. He had a brain aneurysm in 1988, the same year he ran for Presdient only to drop out due to accusations of plagiarism. I can get over the age though because McCain is just as ancient.

How many more votes can Biden obtain for Obama? I don't think many but perhaps I'm wrong. Biden may bring Delaware, which is already a Democratic state. What other state can he get some pull in, seriously? The South is off-limits as far as I'm concerned for a Biden-Obama ticket.

It will be very interesting to see what McCain does. Will he go conservative to ensure that vote or will he pander towards the middle as Obama just did?

Very interesting stuff here.


Football addict
Middle school kids are THE worst. Worse than elementary school kids. Worse than preschoolers. Worse than high school kids. Worse than the anklebiters. :jameo:
Today was rocky...very rocky.:lol:

I was far too much of a Mr. nice guy today. I'll be setting some ground rules and laying the lumber on Monday.:evil:

I get these fella's for 6-8 weeks.


Biden has all ready been drug onve the coal, has his past well dug into and there is nothing left to scare the public..( I am referring to the 1987 Presidential run where "plagiarism" was a key word.)

I like his experience..30+ years in the Senate...and he is "safe". middle of the road..not too far left or right.
So based on the VP ticket, I am voting for him and Obama..

Not happy with the Obama choice, but better than McCain. :shrug:


Bookseller Lady
Middle school kids are THE worst. Worse than elementary school kids. Worse than preschoolers. Worse than high school kids. Worse than the anklebiters. :jameo:

Hey :eyebrow: Veggrrl started Middle School this week- in the oldest (I think) school building in all of SoMD (Calvert- built as a HS when Truman was in office).

So far she's comfortable navigating her school, slightly ticked she got a bottom locker, and has boys at her lunch table in complete awe of her burping capabilities (she could shatter glass after a Dr Pepper :killingme).

Oh, and a teacher thought she had the wrong room first day of school because she's as tall as an 8th grader. Girl is built like a runway model and has a super high metabolism. I'm sure the other girls will be hatin' when they see her skinny butt sitting down with the entire ala carte menu on her lunch tray.

Oh, and she likes Obama.

When she was in 2nd grade my very Republican friend asked her who the President of the United States was, and she replied, in all seriousness "John Kerry" :killingme.