Speeding Ticket in Calvert County


Nothing to see here
Curmudgeon said:
Recently received a speeding ticket. It was 7 miles over the limit. Do I pay the fine and not go to court, or contest in court? I want to avoid points on my license and added insurance. What has been the standard result of speeding in Calvert?

Take it to court if you have a clean record. Judge will ask if you've had tickets recently(and he will have your record in front of him, so no bs)..Probably just pay the fine with no points. I contested a radar ticket I got bout 10 yrs ago and judge asked when my last ticket was, told him 30 yrs ago..he said get the hell out of here, Mr Otter, and have a nice day.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
otter said:
Take it to court if you have a clean record. Judge will ask if you've had tickets recently(and he will have your record in front of him, so no bs)..Probably just pay the fine with no points. I contested a radar ticket I got bout 10 yrs ago and judge asked when my last ticket was, told him 30 yrs ago..he said get the hell out of here, Mr Otter, and have a nice day.
Tell him the part about how you got the ticket, racing to see me. :blushing:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
otter said:
I can't let them know bout that thing we have together.. :smack:
Why? Ohhhh, because if they find out what a good job you do, all the ladies will want you to trim their hedges and then it'll become a chore, like how using that ball-washer used to be a fun time, but now you just lick 'em a little and move on? Sorry. :stupid:


New Member

jw213 said:
so, let's be clear on this. does your ticket say were 7 over the limit? how far over the limit were you actually traveling? the trooper/deputy may have written that on his copy of the ticket, just in case the judge asks :coffee: him.
You are correct, it was actually written as 22 miles over but he also wrote 7 miles over. Both numbers are on the citation. Looks like you need to show up on your court date and see what happens. If you just send in the fine, you get points regardless. :eyebrow:


New Member
When I went to court for my ticket, the guy right before me was being asked about prior tickets. He had 8 of them. He stated that he needed to drive as part of his job and the judge also gave him a PBJ with no points. I think he did have to pay the full fine though.

Good luck