Sperm Donor ordered to pay Child Support to Lesbo couple...


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I wonder if one of his fantasys was to get screwed by a couple lesbians.


Lovin' being Texican
Despite his involvement or lack of involvement, this is certainly a queer decision on the part of the court.


Highlander's MPD
Pete said:
I don't agree there. Just because he climbed on instead of making his delivery into a styrofoam cup doesn't change their intent, the fact he acted like a "daddy" did.

Maybe lesbo #1 didn't mind wiener and figured a few minutes of humping was more cost effective than paying some doc a couple grand to inject the goo :shrug:

The intent was for the chick couple to have a spawn as their own. The method they used to order the mayo for their sandwich doesn't change that. Sounds like the bull didn't want to get whacked with child support so she all of a sudden got technical.

Judge Pete says no SS benefits. Lesbo's wanted to play house, lesbos pay just like anyone else.

Why would any man agree to be part of this? I think it would bother me to know a kid of mine was being raised in an environment like that. That poor kid has to go through life being different, having two mommies, no dad and all because the lesbos are thinking of their needs instead of the child.


Pete said:
In Maine a guy who lived with the mom and kid for 8 years was ordered to pay CS because he "willingly acted in the role of father".

This is sort of a different issue. The states have a vested interest in ensuring someone is identified as a kids father and is forced to pay child support. For every dollar they force someone to pay in child support, they get money from the federal government. Why do you think they fight so hard against allowing men to challenge their status as a childs father. It has nothing to do with the welfare of the child and everything to do with loosing federal money.