sportsmanship debate

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What can I say, I don't endorse giving trophies to anybody but the champion. I think trophies for everyone is stupid too.

I also have a zero tolerance policy for trash talking from my players on or off the field. Its why I tell the officials to give no warning and flag my players for it immediately.

Not to mention that I've never heard a kid trash talk after a 4 or 5 touchdown beating.

There is nothing wrong with little kids playing soccer and getting participation trophies and pizza parties and not keep score. At this point it is a social event, exercise and for fun. By 6 or 7 or 8, there are travel teams that play for all the marbles. It is a good thing.

If we play competitive at this age 6 and under, you WILL have less kids playing, less kids getting exercise and less kids gaining some early social skills and sportsmanship and the folks either coaching or at least being there.

We don't have recess any more. The last thing we need is even less kids getting out there and running around and less time for parents to be social with the kiddies. :buddies: