Spot Fly Control


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
persimmoncf said:
Spot Fly Control 06-07-2006 03:16 PM ¡Ésa es mi hija usted #######! Ella es la luz de mi vida. ¡Nunca le ruego freza! Cabeza anormal del pene del idiota

This comment was in my "userCP" and it was RED. :loser:
Does anyone know Spanish???

I quess I offended them with the term "teets".............but I do find ticks there :razz: OH, on my horses of course. :killingme

Do you really want the translation? Really doesn't make much sense. I used Babblefish to translate. I will PM it to you.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
remaxrealtor said:
I left you that message....translation: I'm jealous that you have both teets and a sheath, how do you find time to ride horses? :jameo:

Nevermind I guess I missed the joke from not reading all responses!!! :doh:


Horse Poor
It is very interesting. The best part is no bait to stink up every thing, If ya get one let us know how it works. :howdy: I may try one myself. :lmao:


New Member
Ooops! I kind of dropped the ball on getting that information like I said! Sorry! I highly recommend that Horse Pal thing though (which I know I've said a billion times!)! I should take a picture to show you how many of those nasty horse flies are actually in there and I've alreay emptied the top twice. It says that it just traps the biting flies but mine seems to trap all kinds of flies. I don't really understand how it can work so well but it sure does. My horses just flock around it and the flies go right past them and into the trap. I love the fact that no chemicals are used too.


Horse Poor
Labs4Me said:
Ooops! I kind of dropped the ball on getting that information like I said! Sorry! I highly recommend that Horse Pal thing though (which I know I've said a billion times!)! I should take a picture to show you how many of those nasty horse flies are actually in there and I've alreay emptied the top twice. It says that it just traps the biting flies but mine seems to trap all kinds of flies. I don't really understand how it can work so well but it sure does. My horses just flock around it and the flies go right past them and into the trap. I love the fact that no chemicals are used too.

Pics would be good :howdy: :huggy: :yay:


New Member
Labs4Me said:
Ooops! I kind of dropped the ball on getting that information like I said! Sorry! I highly recommend that Horse Pal thing though (which I know I've said a billion times!)! I should take a picture to show you how many of those nasty horse flies are actually in there and I've alreay emptied the top twice. It says that it just traps the biting flies but mine seems to trap all kinds of flies. I don't really understand how it can work so well but it sure does. My horses just flock around it and the flies go right past them and into the trap. I love the fact that no chemicals are used too.

The design looks so simple it stands to reason it's effective, i.e. complicated = doesn't work. Do you put yours along your fence line or do you fence it off inside your pasture? I'd be happy if it just took out the nasty sheep flies!


fredsaid2 said:
The design looks so simple it stands to reason it's effective, i.e. complicated = doesn't work. Do you put yours along your fence line or do you fence it off inside your pasture? I'd be happy if it just took out the nasty sheep flies!

I'd also like to know how close the horses get to it since it's so tall and fragile, I would assume. :otter: If it works and the horses don't carry it away, I'd certainly consider one to take care of the cow flies that like to come visit our horses. :wench:


New Member
fredsaid2 said:
The design looks so simple it stands to reason it's effective, i.e. complicated = doesn't work. Do you put yours along your fence line or do you fence it off inside your pasture? I'd be happy if it just took out the nasty sheep flies!
I have mine right along the fence line. It has to be visible for the flies in order for it to work so I like to make sure it is visible from anywhere in the field. I don't have it actually inside the field though- just right outside of it. The company doesn't recommend that it goes in with the horses and neither do I! I'm sure it would be even better if you could fence it in within your field though. My girls literally hang out right next to the fence so they can be as close as possible to it. If they are down at the far end of the field, you can always tell if they've got a horse or deer fly on them because they come flying up to where the Horse Pal thing is for relief. It really is strange. It was pretty easy to set up too. It does require assembly but it's very simple. I actually was working my filly tonight in a field behind my barn that you can't see from the regular turnout field (where the Horse Pal is). We were getting so swarmed with flies that I practically jumped off of her- she was also ready to explode since she had a horse fly on her that I couldn't swat. I ended up working her back in her turnout field. I know I sound like an infomercial about this thing but man, the flies are bad this year!! I just want to pass on the info about a product that's working great for me.
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New Member
WildHorses said:
I'd also like to know how close the horses get to it since it's so tall and fragile, I would assume. :otter: If it works and the horses don't carry it away, I'd certainly consider one to take care of the cow flies that like to come visit our horses. :wench:
It is somewhat fragile and I wouldn't turn my horses out with it. However, I have left it out now for 2 winters in a row (like the lazy bum that I am!) and even with snow and wind it didn't budge. It has a long metal rod that you drive into the ground and then put one of the legs over that. That really helps to prevent it from knocking or blowing over.


New Member
mingiz said:
Pics would be good :howdy: :huggy: :yay:
I took some pictures today although it's so hazy out my camera kept steaming up on me. This will give you a better idea of how the Horse Pal looks though. I've dumped the top part three times so far this summer. The flies can only reach to the top part of the net cone before you dump again. That's an awful lot of lies to dump though I think!! It's pretty crazy! Some of the flies that were in there today when I took the pictures were pretty huge but I didn't get many good pics.


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New Member
Labs4Me said:
I took some pictures today although it's so hazy out my camera kept steaming up on me. This will give you a better idea of how the Horse Pal looks though. I've dumped the top part three times so far this summer. The flies can only reach to the top part of the net cone before you dump again. That's an awful lot of lies to dump though I think!! It's pretty crazy! Some of the flies that were in there today when I took the pictures were pretty huge but I didn't get many good pics.
You're not kidding, those two at the top are massive! This contraption looks to really work. Do you get an idea of how large an area one unit covers?


New Member
fredsaid2 said:
You're not kidding, those two at the top are massive! This contraption looks to really work. Do you get an idea of how large an area one unit covers?
There were actually 4 of those big nasty flies in there when I took the picture. I'm short though so I had to aim my camera up and the other 2 were closer to the bottom (I guess they were dying- serves them right!!). That field that I currently have the Horse Pal outside of is about 3 acres and it certainly works for that whole field. The company says because the biting flies hunt by sight, that as long as they can see the Horse Pal they will travel to it. I guess it depends on how your pastures are layed out though.


Horse Poor
Wow that is neat. I wonder if you put it in the central part of your field and fenced it in so the horses couldn't get to it. Would it be more effective. I may have to try that. How often do you dump yours. Do you rinse the tank out afterwards? What type of maintenance does it have? It does look flimsy but you said you left it out for 2 winters and the snow and wind didn't tear it up it must be made of some tough stuff. :lmao:


New Member
mingiz said:
Wow that is neat. I wonder if you put it in the central part of your field and fenced it in so the horses couldn't get to it. Would it be more effective. I may have to try that. How often do you dump yours. Do you rinse the tank out afterwards? What type of maintenance does it have? It does look flimsy but you said you left it out for 2 winters and the snow and wind didn't tear it up it must be made of some tough stuff. :lmao:
I'm sure if you could fence it in within the middle of your field it would work even better. I've dumped it 3 times this spring/summer. I think last year I probably had to dump it about 8 times total for the whole summer. I rinse the tank out when I dump it but I guess you don't have to. The hotter the weather, the faster the flies decompose in there and then you don't have to dump it as often. It's weird cause of all those fly traps I tried that use bait I never had enough flies in there to dump- no where close. This thing doesn't use the bait but it's always getting filled up! It really requires no maintenance besides the dumping which really isn't all that often. It's not too flimsy either. It's actually pretty big and the canvas on it is really thick. The legs are somewhat flimsy metal but once you put that metal rod in the ground you really can't knock it over. The winter before last was pretty bad and it didn't affect it at all. I was impressed. I'm sure the company wouldn't recommend that you leave it out all winter like I did but it was fine.


Painted Spirit
You don't sound like an info-mecial, just someone recommending something that really works! Did you say you were catching regular flies with it also? :howdy:


New Member
HorseLady said:
You don't sound like an info-mecial, just someone recommending something that really works! Did you say you were catching regular flies with it also? :howdy:
Thanks! It seems to be catching all sorts of bugs lately. I know it's supposed to be just for the biting flies but at my house it traps just as many regular stable flies too. I've also noticed lots of beetles and gnats and a ton of mosquitos in there. Last year it trapped quite a few bot flies too in the late summer/early fall. Since we've gotten so much rain this week and the flies seem to have gotten worse, I actually need to dump it again because it's filling up pretty fast. I don't remember last year being as bad with the flies but I'm glad this thing is trapping them because I can't stand to be pestered by them. I actually haven't had to spray my horses with any fly sprays when they go out which is nice because I used to go through so much fly spray! Especially on my filly. She's white and for some reason the horse flies just can't get enough of her! She used to tear around the field bucking like crazy when she'd get a horse fly on her. She hates the sight of them! :jameo: