Spring Football


New Member
Are they any high school football teams in the southern Maryland area that practice in the spring and summer to help kids get ready for the fall? When I went to school high school kids could on do weight training. I thought I saw one practicing on the side of Leonardtown Middle School and was wondering who they were associated with recreation and parks or some other organization? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


New Member
Are they any high school football teams in the southern Maryland area that practice in the spring and summer to help kids get ready for the fall? When I went to school high school kids could on do weight training. I thought I saw one practicing on the side of Leonardtown Middle School and was wondering who they were associated with recreation and parks or some other organization? Any help would be appreciated!

Ya rumor has it they are cheating !,Just beacuse they have a losing record doesn't mean that it makes it ok!:bigwhoop:


New Member
I think you are mistaken. My son goes to LMS and that is football club, an intramural run by the middle school and middle school teachers for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students.

Now if you want to see other teams doing it take a drive by North Point High School, Patuxent, or Westlake and watch them practice with helmets on.


New Member
I think you are mistaken. My son goes to LMS and that is football club, an intramural run by the middle school and middle school teachers for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students.

Now if you want to see other teams doing it take a drive by North Point High School, Patuxent, or Westlake and watch them practice with helmets on.

No I know it's not the middle school! It is the Leonardtown High School Varsity and freshmen and jv Football Team! They were caught on video tape and yes I agree I have seen the other schools cheat as well! Calvert is also cheating!


New Member
Some rules have changed over the years. Back in the day, high school coaches were not allowed to conduct any type of organized "practice" outside of weight training before August 15th. Now a days there are so many camps, combines and 7-on-7 camps that its hard to figure out who is running them. As a rule high school coaches arent allowed to run the practice but many get around the rule. I train MANY high kids who get a lot of the same training that the high school coaches would conduct. At this time of year coaches are more worried about conditioning then actual plays being ran.


New Member
That would be great if that was all that they were doing! But it wasn't!!!!! They wear caught on tape running plays and using head coaches and ast. coaches and blocking pads and the use of the football in an organizied practice. And this was done before the recent camps have stated. You should check the state rules hand book it's very clear! They were caught red handed and nothing was done about it because they knew the right people! Really scarry how this counties good old boy system still works!


New Member
Some rules have changed over the years. Back in the day, high school coaches were not allowed to conduct any type of organized "practice" outside of weight training before August 15th. Now a days there are so many camps, combines and 7-on-7 camps that its hard to figure out who is running them. As a rule high school coaches arent allowed to run the practice but many get around the rule. I train MANY high kids who get a lot of the same training that the high school coaches would conduct. At this time of year coaches are more worried about conditioning then actual plays being ran.

The rules for high school sports HAS NOT changed. The starting date for all fall sports remains August 15th. Conditioning for all sports can be conducted year round which is why most high schools have after school conditioning. Learning the plays for your team is not allowed until Aug. 15. I am sure that some form of cheating has happened across the board on some level at every school over the years. Does cheating make it right??? No, it doesn't make it right it just makes it hard to explain right from wrong to kids. Why can't we do what X team is doing. Explain that to your kid who is on the team making the right choice. So as I see it is ok to teach kids how to cheat and hopefully not get caught so when they go to college or work they won't or can't understand why they have to follow the rules and exceptions are not being made for them. Hard lesson best learned while young. Finally, I was told by wise mother that "Cheaters never prosper!" That God I was brought up to know right from wrong.


New Member
momma22 did you make the tape or know the individual who did? I can get it to the right people.


New Member
Its kind of crazy that High school football cant start till August 15th but Little League football has already begun 2-4 weeks ago! We need more attention to the younger kids then a little more slack for the high school kids. I think the 8/15 rule is a little outdated. Let the kids have organized practices without pads whenever the coach wants. Pads should still be no earlier then 8/15.


New Member
momma22 did you make the tape or know the individual who did? I can get it to the right people.

I am sure you can get the tape to the right people. I know that a tape was made and distributed to SMCPS coaches and a the supervisor for PE. Any other suggestions???

Iam not sure that having little kids begin practicing football for fall season is appropriate at this point. I think kids become burnt out on one sport. Kids need to experience different sports and activities to see what they like and not what the parent like. Sports and activities need to be for and about the kids then parents will support what their kids like.


New Member
Well since you brought this whole thing up. Did you make the tape and send it to the coaches? Did you send it to the Board? An if you didn't send it to the Board of ed why?


New Member
Nope I did not film anything. I just saw them out practicing and thought it was a flag football team until I saw the pads. Why the people who filmed it didn't send it to the board of ed I have no clue. I do think they sent it to the correct people. I have not seen them practice by LMS in awhile so I am guessing the problem is solved. Remember there are rules to make the playing field level and there is always someone who is going to choose not to follow the rules or think they are the exception to the rule. Not following the rules or there being exceptions happens everywhere.


Dig it!
Nope I did not film anything. I just saw them out practicing and thought it was a flag football team until I saw the pads. Why the people who filmed it didn't send it to the board of ed I have no clue. I do think they sent it to the correct people. I have not seen them practice by LMS in awhile so I am guessing the problem is solved. Remember there are rules to make the playing field level and there is always someone who is going to choose not to follow the rules or think they are the exception to the rule. Not following the rules or there being exceptions happens everywhere.

If you saw pads it was definitely NOT LHS. Perhaps another team was practicing, but LHS is only doing off-season conditioning - no pads have been issued.


Nope I did not film anything. I just saw them out practicing and thought it was a flag football team until I saw the pads. Why the people who filmed it didn't send it to the board of ed I have no clue. I do think they sent it to the correct people. I have not seen them practice by LMS in awhile so I am guessing the problem is solved. Remember there are rules to make the playing field level and there is always someone who is going to choose not to follow the rules or think they are the exception to the rule. Not following the rules or there being exceptions happens everywhere.

Oh for christ sake, mind your own damn business....there are several semi pro football teams in the area that play in the spring that use the fields...maybe they couldn't use the field they normally practice on and needed to use a different one for a weekend or two....I swear, some of you need hobbies...


New Member
If you saw pads it was definitely NOT LHS. Perhaps another team was practicing, but LHS is only doing off-season conditioning - no pads have been issued.

No It was lhs
! confirmed by identifying coaches and varsity players! And to awnser the pad question....they were blocking pads that the coaches hold as the players run into them! and yes the tape was given to the right people...like i said before this is good old boy territory....nothing happened beacause they chose to do the wrong thing!....And to answer the hobby issue...well there are alot of people who are very passionate about football! And parents and players are very upset about the cheating...Thats why this has gone to this forum....if I could get my hands on the tape it would be in the press, utube, u name it...but i don't have it! A bigger issue to me is hearing the players talk about the cheating teams....This scares me as a parent to know the reprecusions that can happen if this gets out of control, because someone is protecting cheaters!....I am truley worried for safety of all involved!


No It was lhs
! confirmed by identifying coaches and varsity players! And to awnser the pad question....they were blocking pads that the coaches hold as the players run into them! and yes the tape was given to the right people...like i said before this is good old boy territory....nothing happened beacause they chose to do the wrong thing!....And to answer the hobby issue...well there are alot of people who are very passionate about football! And parents and players are very upset about the cheating...Thats why this has gone to this forum....if I could get my hands on the tape it would be in the press, utube, u name it...but i don't have it! A bigger issue to me is hearing the players talk about the cheating teams....This scares me as a parent to know the reprecusions that can happen if this gets out of control, because someone is protecting cheaters!....I am truley worried for safety of all involved!

The Press? Seriously? Wow...you really need a life...


New Member
The Press? Seriously? Wow...you really need a life...

Yes the press, maybe then peolple who get paid alot of money to govern the coaches of this county would be finally forced to do their job....I think it's funny that this county is worried about paying teachers...when we pay alot more money to directors to handle these issues ...!


Yes the press, maybe then peolple who get paid alot of money to govern the coaches of this county would be finally forced to do their job....I think it's funny that this county is worried about paying teachers...when we pay alot more money to directors to handle these issues ...!

Issues????? You are acting like you have uncovered a huge conspiracy..it's a football program no one gives boo about....there are a hell of a lot more pressing issues to worry about...but go ahead, call TMZ..I'm sure they will be right over:killingme


No It was lhs
! confirmed by identifying coaches and varsity players! And to awnser the pad question....they were blocking pads that the coaches hold as the players run into them! and yes the tape was given to the right people...like i said before this is good old boy territory....nothing happened beacause they chose to do the wrong thing!....And to answer the hobby issue...well there are alot of people who are very passionate about football! And parents and players are very upset about the cheating...Thats why this has gone to this forum....if I could get my hands on the tape it would be in the press, utube, u name it...but i don't have it! A bigger issue to me is hearing the players talk about the cheating teams....This scares me as a parent to know the reprecusions that can happen if this gets out of control, because someone is protecting cheaters!....I am truley worried for safety of all involved!

Are you on drugs? It was the LMS football club. 6-8th graders. But for purely speculative reasons lets ponder a second that IF someone were going to cheat why would they do it in the open, in plain sight of RT5 and Medley's Neck road 1 quarter mile closer to the public and away from their own school?