Spring Football


New Member
Are you on drugs? It was the LMS football club. 6-8th graders. But for purely speculative reasons lets ponder a second that IF someone were going to cheat why would they do it in the open, in plain sight of RT5 and Medley's Neck road 1 quarter mile closer to the public and away from their own school?

Ok you seem to have trouble keeping up...it's not 6-8th graders and you did make a good point! This team is truly sad and few care, except those who play against them....even then that saying too much!


Ok you seem to have trouble keeping up...it's not 6-8th graders and you did make a good point! This team is truly sad and few care, except those who play against them....even then that saying too much!

Okay, YOU have trouble with cognitive logical thought. It WAS 6-8th graders, from the MIDDLE school, which is in plain view of RT5 and MNR, in a open field next to their school, a quarter mile or more from the high school. I was sitting in the parking lot waiting to pick up my son who is in the 8th grade, from the MIDDLE SCHOOL football club.

But hey, you go right on ahead and keep up with your crazy ass conspiracy story. It is amusing and evidently it makes you feel all puffed up and important.


and while we are on the subject, I would really like to know who is over skulking around my kids middle school video taping my minor child without my permission. Feel free to shoot me that persons name.


Material Girl
PREMO Member
Ok you seem to have trouble keeping up...it's not 6-8th graders and you did make a good point! This team is truly sad and few care, except those who play against them....even then that saying too much!

Don't mind him. I heard he hangs out at the pub while his kid is at practice. :whistle:


New Member
Okay, YOU have trouble with cognitive logical thought. It WAS 6-8th graders, from the MIDDLE school, which is in plain view of RT5 and MNR, in a open field next to their school, a quarter mile or more from the high school. I was sitting in the parking lot waiting to pick up my son who is in the 8th grade, from the MIDDLE SCHOOL football club.

But hey, you go right on ahead and keep up with your crazy ass conspiracy story. It is amusing and evidently it makes you feel all puffed up and important.

Ok lets help you out with this...They were lhs high school players at the middle school....And yes they are that stupid to do it out in the open...See you on the field...


Ok lets help you out with this...They were lhs high school players at the middle school....And yes they are that stupid to do it out in the open...See you on the field...

Well lets examine this.

Boys were running around with a football and there were blocking pads there.

It was at the middle school.

The middle school has a football club.

It was in plain sight on a field near a busy intersection for the whole world to see.

I just told you I was there and it was 6th - 8th grade middle school boys who are in Football club.

My kid is in 8th grade at that same school and is in football club and was there along with the other 6th, 7th and 8th graders.

You are ignoring all this and sticking to your story.....who really is "that stupid" here? :lmao:


Well lets examine this.

Boys were running around with a football and there were blocking pads there.

It was at the middle school.

The middle school has a football club.

It was in plain sight on a field near a busy intersection for the whole world to see.

I just told you I was there and it was 6th - 8th grade middle school boys who are in Football club.

My kid is in 8th grade at that same school and is in football club and was there along with the other 6th, 7th and 8th graders.

You are ignoring all this and sticking to your story.....who really is "that stupid" here? :lmao:

Could high schoolers possibly have been helping out? I still don't understand what the big deal is even if they were out there.....you can run specialty camps and conditioning, and is there a rule against using impact pads for drills? If you aren't running plays who really GAF?


Could high schoolers possibly have been helping out? I still don't understand what the big deal is even if they were out there.....you can run specialty camps and conditioning, and is there a rule against using impact pads for drills? If you aren't running plays who really GAF?

Evidently momma22 does :lmao: Or of course it could be an attempt at a constructing a pre-excuse in the unlikely event LHS beats CHS this year.


New Member
No I know it's not the middle school! It is the Leonardtown High School Varsity and freshmen and jv Football Team! They were caught on video tape and yes I agree I have seen the other schools cheat as well! Calvert is also cheating!

You better be sure and you better do it in person.High school coachs have to much at stake to be as dumb as you say......I would bet you have'nt seen anyone.


New Member
If you posted in this thread and you also believe 9/11 was a gov't conspiracy, raise your hand.


New Member
Originally Posted by momma22
No It was lhs
and yes the tape was given to the right people...like i said before this is good old boy territory....

Seriously the 'good old boy network'? I'm not a rocket scientist, but I know the LHS football coach isn't from this area. He's from somewhere in PA, how does that work if he's from the good old boy network? You don't know what you were talking about, if something was going on it would have been dealt with publically, obviously nothing happenned and that's why we haven't heard anything.

I'm guessing you havent' seen anyone at LMS anymore because football club has pretty much ended. I can add and two plus two is four making it the football club and not the high school kids.

I am a parent of a football club kid and I am very upset that someone was 'filming' my son, that is ridiculously inappropriate. I talked to a coach and he said the film was sent anonymously. That's even worse, if you saw an infraction (as you say you did) then why wouldn't you talk to those in charge instead of illegally filming MY CHILD and sending it out to the masses.