Springtime on...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
More springtime...

...on the farm. My office door a few minutes ago.


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Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
Well, that's one way to get rid of all those kittens. :twitch:

...it was like a Nathan's hotdog eating contest. I was like "Come on! One more! One more! You can do it! Dip one in your soda! Come on!"
Larry Gude said:
...it was like a Nathan's hotdog eating contest. I was like "Come on! One more! One more! You can do it! Dip one in your soda! Come on!"
OMG.... ooooooooh noooooo you didn't....:killingme :roflmao: :I'mdying:


My Sweetest Boy
Hey Mr. Gude

Perhaps you could just play your guitar and drive away the cats, kittens and snakes...

within a 50-mile radius.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

cattitude said:
Perhaps you could just play your guitar and drive away the cats, kittens and snakes...

within a 50-mile radius.

...let us examine the facts; I play guitar. Loudly. It is said to make some people feel...angry. And I am surrounded by kittens and snakes.



Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
Larry Gude said:
...to zee vet is von vay only.


AMEN! The foxes are well fed...the Ospreys are well fed...and somehow after 6 years and two original female cats...we only have 5 cats (uh, unless you include the 15 kittens they just had!)

Tried to take momma cat in to be spayed...they wanted all kinds of crap...shots, etc before they spay. I'm like, Lady...the life span of cats on my place is a short one...I'm not dropping $300 on a barn cat! She said "whats their name" I'm like,...Who cares? Cat 1, Cat 2....I don't even name them unless they make 2 years old!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

appendixqh said:
AMEN! The foxes are well fed...the Ospreys are well fed...and somehow after 6 years and two original female cats...we only have 5 cats (uh, unless you include the 15 kittens they just had!)

Tried to take momma cat in to be spayed...they wanted all kinds of crap...shots, etc before they spay. I'm like, Lady...the life span of cats on my place is a short one...I'm not dropping $300 on a barn cat! She said "whats their name" I'm like,...Who cares? Cat 1, Cat 2....I don't even name them unless they make 2 years old!

...that made my day! :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Someone posted...

...this green, unsigned karma;

"I have more kitties than you!"

Wanna borrow my snake? He might eat again in a month.
