St. Mary's - Business Development/ The Slow Train


American Beauty
PREMO Member
That was the first problem with them, the second time I had to send back my steak 3 times, picture Charlie Chaplin eating the shoe.....

Now, last night I had a dream that I found a mouse in my Burger King hamburger :eek: I hope that isn't indicative of anything... :confused:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by RoseRed
...Now, last night I had a dream that I found a mouse in my Burger King hamburger :eek: I hope that isn't indicative of anything... :confused:

I wouldn't worry....I don't think even rodents would wander into Burger King or McDonalds! They know it isn't food!



A little late in the game, and I hate to beat a dead horse, but after reading the thread, I have to add my 2 cents. I am a newcomer to this-name is Hollywood. I am what you like to refer to as a transplant. I am originally from Bowie MD and have lived in Hollywood for 9 years now. My husband is self-employed and we run a business from home, but in the last month we have been looking to start our own business. I can honestly say that I have never been happier to see St. Mary’s County grow. I tend to agree and disagree as we all do with what everyone is saying. I do not feel the county needs a mall, but we do need diversity. Larger retail stores and restaurants will not put the Mom and Pops out of business, due to their long history, service and quality. I would love to have an Olive Garden, Don Pablo’s, Red Hot and Blue, and a Dairy Queen. I would also still continue to eat at Lenny’s, Nook and Monks, etc. I would love to see the County Commissioners and Planning and Zoning work with these landlords and developers and make use of these empty vacant storefronts first, before tearing up the land… It is somewhat ironic that I found this forum just yesterday and last week a I had taken it upon myself to e mail Borders Books about possible retail opportunities.
Regardless change it evitable, and whether you or I will pay $5.00 for Starbucks coffee or not, someone will and is…………………… That’s the market.
If you are interested in potential business opportunities, let me know…one day I will make it in this town.


New Member
There are many.....

Opportunities for small businesses in this community. Its unfortunate that there is so much expense involved, you really put yourself and your future on the line. I think Barnes & Noble is crazy not to tap this market. Anything like that would certainly do well.


Football season!
After a quick check, here is what I came up with.. Within a 15 mile radius of georgetown (approx.) you have 2 Barnes and Nobles stroes, 1 B.Dalton, 3 Books A Million and 3 Borders Books. That may be why a smaller store closed. But saying that the closure reflects on how things would be here is pretty far off the mark.


Football season!
Wow. Looks like someone needs to hold the extra shot of espresso the next time they go to Starbucks..


There is opportunity in this county for small businesses. Also the Big Box stores are going to continue to come. Don't expect any more restaurants for some time. The demos still won't carry them. What else you are going to see is a major decline in customer service( as if it's anything now ) There are not the employees in this area to cover many more service type businesses.
Oh, so you say increase the wages and benefits to get more people to work here. Well what do you think that will do to prices?
That is unless you are WalMart and have people work off the clock.
What I think I see here are a group of well educated people, who have good to high paying jobs with benefits who have never ventured out into the world of the self-employeed. Now please don't take me the wrong way,,,,, there is nothing wrong with that. But for us that own a business, and it's our choice to do so, things are a little different. There is a forum about rude people somewhere on here. Well we have to live with that everyday that we are open. Not just from some customers, but employees that want to do the least amount of work for the most pay. If any of you manage a business out there you know what I mean. Calling out sick on holidays, late for work constantly, long distance phone calls, lack of concern for the customer, taking money or items from the shop.... the list goes on and on. And with more stores the labor pool gets smaller. What do you think is going to happen to Damons at the end of the summer when these kids go back to school? Close to 50% of their work force is in school. The same thing will happen to Bob Evans or any other service type business. Then the fun begins. We all compete all over for the same employees. Wages go up, benefits go up so prices go up. The only thing that goes down is the service. For the small business owner these can also be the kiss of death.
But like I said earlier, being self-employeed is what I decided to do and I love it. If I fail it's not from lack of trying or because of my employees( don't have any, just family)
But you know what really makes it worth all the time, effort and money ... it's that customer that goes out of their way to say, "thank you for the job you did for me" Or that customer who who stops you on the street just to say hello or thanks for the job you did for them.
Yea development is going to come but are we ready to deal with what comes with it.


Hey Chuckster

I've noticed since I moved to Lexington Park that the fast food workers are some of the worst that I have ever seen. You order your food, they dont even say thank you, some dont even look at you.

I come a more rural place where there arent so many "working poor" because the cost of living is lower than here. Most of the fast food workers are high school kids, usually incompetant, but they usually smile and say thank you.

The service at many of the resturants in Lexington Park area is pretty bad.


The saddest part

The saddest part of our St. Mary's County business development woes is that Sheetz and Wa Wa are making millions while Hills Halfway House and Hewitts Gas station are officially out of business.

If Hills Halfway House is lucky they will recover over at the old St. Marys Landing but who knows....

I am happier spending my hard earned money at Pilkertons Shell and Jimmy Hurry's Store than these monster money eatiing corporations.:smile:


Re: The saddest part

Originally posted by Kain99
The saddest part of our St. Mary's County business development woes is that Sheetz and Wa Wa are making millions while Hills Halfway House and Hewitts Gas station are officially out of business.

I would love to have just a small part of what Billy Hill got for that location from WaWa. Believe me ... I wouldn't be in St Mary's County worrying about anything.

Mike Hewitt got himself a nice long term lease from Sheetz that brings in a 6 figure income.

They both decided to sell ...surprised they both didn't retire.