There is opportunity in this county for small businesses. Also the Big Box stores are going to continue to come. Don't expect any more restaurants for some time. The demos still won't carry them. What else you are going to see is a major decline in customer service( as if it's anything now ) There are not the employees in this area to cover many more service type businesses.
Oh, so you say increase the wages and benefits to get more people to work here. Well what do you think that will do to prices?
That is unless you are WalMart and have people work off the clock.
What I think I see here are a group of well educated people, who have good to high paying jobs with benefits who have never ventured out into the world of the self-employeed. Now please don't take me the wrong way,,,,, there is nothing wrong with that. But for us that own a business, and it's our choice to do so, things are a little different. There is a forum about rude people somewhere on here. Well we have to live with that everyday that we are open. Not just from some customers, but employees that want to do the least amount of work for the most pay. If any of you manage a business out there you know what I mean. Calling out sick on holidays, late for work constantly, long distance phone calls, lack of concern for the customer, taking money or items from the shop.... the list goes on and on. And with more stores the labor pool gets smaller. What do you think is going to happen to Damons at the end of the summer when these kids go back to school? Close to 50% of their work force is in school. The same thing will happen to Bob Evans or any other service type business. Then the fun begins. We all compete all over for the same employees. Wages go up, benefits go up so prices go up. The only thing that goes down is the service. For the small business owner these can also be the kiss of death.
But like I said earlier, being self-employeed is what I decided to do and I love it. If I fail it's not from lack of trying or because of my employees( don't have any, just family)
But you know what really makes it worth all the time, effort and money ... it's that customer that goes out of their way to say, "thank you for the job you did for me" Or that customer who who stops you on the street just to say hello or thanks for the job you did for them.
Yea development is going to come but are we ready to deal with what comes with it.