St. Marys county Commisioner President position


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
38, fixin' to be 39 here shortly. You're getting old, huh? :lol:

There may be hostility between the candidates but I think we can say that Jarboe isn't a hostile person. I mean, you know him, right? What would you say?

Larry was hostile? He didn't charge across the floor to confront her, did he? Man, I'd give cash money to see something like that!


New Member
Thanks Chris


Thanks for all the behind the scene information. I read all that I can get on this election and agree that it's time for a new "5".
Sadly, we don't really have much other than the internet for info. We can read the Enterprise (Washington Post) or read Ken's News paper. It would be nice to have one that prints both sides fair and square. Since we lost the radio stations we have pretty much Lost any reliable source of information for Southern Maryland.

I would vote for you and Jarbo.


chris brugman

New Member
Originally posted by demsformd
Democrats do not devote so much of their time to personal crucificition as their counterparts. That is a major reason for my disagreement with that party: their lack of ethics when pursuing ethics violations. It's all about slash and burn with them. I watched Larry Jarboe debate Shelby Guazzo and I was terrified at the hostility that he showed towards her.

No problem Dems, I too am passionate about my politics. I have to disagree with your statement here. If you are refering to the ethics violations of the current board of commissioners, correct me if I am mistaken, but didn't Claire (Crazy Nitwit) Whitbeck file the original ethics complaint? Wasn't it this crazy fanatic that took the commissioners to court and got the court to rule that they were guilty of violating the ethics ordinance? FYI, that crazy woman is a Democrat and if memory serves me correctly, she was Shelby Guazzo's campaign manager. Oh, the irony of it all

By the way, don't kid yourself. When opportunity presents itself, both parties will pounce on the other if they even get a whiff of impropriety. The only time they will remain silent is when they are both guilty or both have something to hide. In all honesty though, I believe that the Democrats have mastered the art of smear campaigns, class warfare, race warfare, and any other kind of slash and burn techniques that only contribute to the Balkanization of our great nation. This is most evident in national politics, but it does exist at local levels as well.