St. Marys County Sheriff contest

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Welcome Dave,

How about telling us in a no-nonsense sort of way why you would be the man for the job and what it is you are going to do for us and the Sheriff's office? You might want to start a new thread for that. I know that I would like to hear it from the “horse’s mouth” and I am sure others would too.


Hello Somd. Forum members,

My name is David Zylak and I am a Democratic candidate for Sheriff in St. Mary's County. By following the forums, I guess most of you know that by now. As an advertiser on Southern Maryland On-line, I do watch the forums, particularly the threads pertaining to my race. It's nice to see some supporters coming to my aid and to all of them I say THANK YOU.

I have watched for awhile and felt that I should sign on and address any concerns of those who have questions about me and my campaign. I am the best to ask and no one has emailed me from my website to find answers.

I will try to answer any questions pertaining to the campaign, but please do not ask about investigations that may be active. I most likely do not have an answer and if I did, I would not be permitted to discuss it. If anyone has a question of me that they would rather not post on the forum, please email me at

Thank you all for your interest in the Office of Sheriff and please come out and vote on September 10th. Your vote does count.

