St. Mary's County Youth NFL Flag Football Leaque


New Member
It's on $25 if you play in the SMYFL League.

Last year it was Free to play in SMYFL tackle program and I heard it was aweful.

Also heard SMYFL flag was $60.00 last season and it was aweful. Think they had 50 kids total where the other flag league had 400 kids.

You can go to Mcdonalds and feed your family for $20.00 or you can go to the Outback and pay $80.00. Just remember, you get what you pay for.

Oh by the way Pigskin is making a return. I am so happy now that my two grandsons now have a place to play. They sat our last season because we weren't going to allow them to play for SMYFL or travel all over place to play for the Raiders.

Welcome back Don & Trude, long over due for your return. The North needs you!:yahoo:


New Member
I heard the only way the Kemps could attempt to come back was to offer everything for free. So if you get what you pay for, what a joke? I think I will stick with SMYFL.


New Member
Last year it was Free to play in SMYFL tackle program and I heard it was aweful.

Also heard SMYFL flag was $60.00 last season and it was aweful. Think they had 50 kids total where the other flag league had 400 kids.

You can go to Mcdonalds and feed your family for $20.00 or you can go to the Outback and pay $80.00. Just remember, you get what you pay for.

Oh by the way Pigskin is making a return. I am so happy now that my two grandsons now have a place to play. They sat our last season because we weren't going to allow them to play for SMYFL or travel all over place to play for the Raiders.

Welcome back Don & Trude, long over due for your return. The North needs you!:yahoo:
I guess that depends on who you heard these things from. Since it was most likely from Don and Trude, I have no doubt you heard correctly.

Of course that doesn't make what you said anymore true than the wacko's who say 9/11 was a gov't conspiracy.


New Member
I don’t normally come on here and respond to people’s negative post, but I mean come on, why does everything in St. Mary’s County have to be negative that deals with Youth Football? Pat, Don and I should be able to use these forums as a way to spread the word about our programs. We shouldn’t have to come on here and defend ourselves or our programs after every post we make. The sad thing is it is always the same four or five people making comments about the programs. For 25 years Don and Trude supplied a Youth Football program to this county and yes people thought they could do better, but for 25 years not a sole stepped up and did anything, but complain. Why didn’t someone step up and start their own program, too much money to put out? It would take too much time to run a league? No one step up and people decided they would just sit around and make negative comments about the Pigskin and the people that ran it. I agree, I was caught up in making comments last season myself because I heard rumors, I will never make that mistake again because I found out in the long run they were untrue rumors. I think we owe Don and Trude a thank you for running a league for 25 years and if they return I wish them the best.

So 5 years ago we stepped up and started the Raiders, we just wanted to give the people in St. Mary’s County another option that is all, we weren’t trying to destroy Pigskin or any other Sports program in the County. We wanted to go to Calvert and play. So after fighting tooth and nail with everyone we were given that chance and we made the best of it. We developed a Sports program that we took pride in and the people in our program became a close knit family. We enjoyed our 4 years in Calvert and we made memories that will last a lifetime for many of us.

In 2009 another Football program came into St. Mary’s County, Southern Maryland Youth Football League. I don’t think they were looking to come in and run anyone out either, they just wanted to give people in the County another option as well. It appears that they had a successful season and will continue to build on that. I wish them all the luck and hope they have another great season.

The County has now stepped in and offered to take over football in St. Mary’s County. Calvert County told the Raiders they need to go back to St. Mary’s and play in this new league. So under a new President the Raiders have returned to play in the St. Mary’s County Football League. I think this will be a great program once everything gets ironed out and the league gets a year or two under their belt. No I did not resign as President because I don’t like Pat, Arthur Shepherd, SMYFL , Don, Trude or Pigskin football. I stepped down because I did it for 5 years and I wanted to focus on a sport my son and daughter plays and that is Flag football. I also was just burned out, it becomes a pain to have to defend yourself everyday to people that want to make comments about you and your program. I stand up and I applaud Don & Trude Kemp. No matter what you think or your comments, they ran it for 25 years and I can say after 5 years I was tired. So I ask instead of always making negative comments or putting something down or spreading rumors that you know nothing about, just say thanks for putting long hours in, being at the field 12 to 14 hours and doing everything else that comes along with running a sports program. If you think it is easy or if it is this huge money maker, start your own program.

I just don’t understand why Youth Football in St. Mary’s County always has to have something negative tied to it. This is the greatest sport on earth and we should be excited to watch our kids play it and cheer on the kids no matter what league or symbol they wear on their helmets.
These are our kids and we should root them on no matter if they play soccer, flag football, tackle football, cheerleading, baseball or rolling down in a hill.
There are already so many negative and sad things in this world, do really have to make Youth football something negative?

Pat, Don, Trude, SMYFL, Pigskin football, Pax River Raiders, St. Mary’s Parks and Rec, and all the other Sports in the county, I wish you all the best and hope nothing but great things for the 2010 Season.

You ask what we charge $75.00 for in flag, I then posted to call me and we can go over our program, but no one called so I thought I would just post it on here.

We charge $75.00 and you receive the following;

Painted fields, 3x5 Flag of every team in the league flying when you come into the park, Paid Officials, every child receives a 12” trophy, Pro Bowl game at the end of the season under the lights, NFL Jersey, Insurance that we have for all Board Members, Coaches and Players, A complete banquet with dinner, dancing and Trophy Presentation paid for by the league, fun day that includes Face painting, Color hair Spray, temporary tattoos, games and much more on this day at no charge to the Players of the league. We allow many Players to play in our league at no cost or a reduced cost. Last season we also donated money to St. Mary’s Ryken & another High School. We have spoken with Arthur and look forward to working with St. Mary’s Parks and Rec. to start donating back to them for field maintenance in the County. We also use for our online service, which does not charge the Parents a fee for using that service, but it does charge the league $6.35 for every player that signs up using the online service. We are also looking into scoreboards, advertising that we do by passing out school flyers what are $400.00 every time you have to get the copies made and we handout flyers 4times a year. So this is just a few things that your registration fee goes towards. You also are not required to do any fundraisers or Concession duties.

There are flag leagues out there that charge $95.00 to $135.00 a player that does not offer the things that we offer, but they do a great job and we wish them the best.

As for why we charge less in the fall, because we don’t do all the events that we do in the spring. We also don’t have an insurance bill due in the fall. We will be sending teams to the regional and national tournaments this fall.
Again let’s try to make football a positive place for all Parents, Coaches and Players, Again I thank everyone that puts in long hours as a Board Member, Coach, President, Player and Parent from the Raiders, SMYFL, St. Mary’s County Youth NFL Flag Football & Pigskin.

I ask that if you have any questions or comments about one of the programs then call the program to ask your questions.

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New Member
I don’t normally come on here and respond to people’s negative post, but I mean come on, why does everything in St. Mary’s County have to be negative that deals with Youth Football? Pat, Don and I should be able to use these forums as a way to spread the word about our programs. We shouldn’t have to come on here and defend ourselves or our programs after every post we make. The sad thing is it is always the same four or five people making comments about the programs. For 25 years Don and Trude supplied a Youth Football program to this county and yes people thought they could do better, but for 25 years not a sole stepped up and did anything, but complain. Why didn’t someone step up and start their own program, too much money to put out? It would take too much time to run a league? No one step up and people decided they would just sit around and make negative comments about the Pigskin and the people that ran it. I agree, I was caught up in making comments last season myself because I heard rumors, I will never make that mistake again because I found out in the long run they were untrue rumors. I think we owe Don and Trude a thank you for running a league for 25 years and if they return I wish them the best.

So 5 years ago we stepped up and started the Raiders, we just wanted to give the people in St. Mary’s County another option that is all, we weren’t trying to destroy Pigskin or any other Sports program in the County. We wanted to go to Calvert and play. So after fighting tooth and nail with everyone we were given that chance and we made the best of it. We developed a Sports program that we took pride in and the people in our program became a close knit family. We enjoyed our 4 years in Calvert and we made memories that will last a lifetime for many of us.

In 2009 another Football program came into St. Mary’s County, Southern Maryland Youth Football League. I don’t think they were looking to come in and run anyone out either, they just wanted to give people in the County another option as well. It appears that they had a successful season and will continue to build on that. I wish them all the luck and hope they have another great season.

The County has now stepped in and offered to take over football in St. Mary’s County. Calvert County told the Raiders they need to go back to St. Mary’s and play in this new league. So under a new President the Raiders have returned to play in the St. Mary’s County Football League. I think this will be a great program once everything gets ironed out and the league gets a year or two under their belt. No I did not resign as President because I don’t like Pat, Arthur Shepherd, SMYFL , Don, Trude or Pigskin football. I stepped down because I did it for 5 years and I wanted to focus on a sport my son and daughter plays and that is Flag football. I also was just burned out, it becomes a pain to have to defend yourself everyday to people that want to make comments about you and your program. I stand up and I applaud Don & Trude Kemp. No matter what you think or your comments, they ran it for 25 years and I can say after 5 years I was tired. So I ask instead of always making negative comments or putting something down or spreading rumors that you know nothing about, just say thanks for putting long hours in, being at the field 12 to 14 hours and doing everything else that comes along with running a sports program. If you think it is easy or if it is this huge money maker, start your own program.

I just don’t understand why Youth Football in St. Mary’s County always has to have something negative tied to it. This is the greatest sport on earth and we should be excited to watch our kids play it and cheer on the kids no matter what league or symbol they wear on their helmets.
These are our kids and we should root them on no matter if they play soccer, flag football, tackle football, cheerleading, baseball or rolling down in a hill.
There are already so many negative and sad things in this world, do really have to make Youth football something negative?

Pat, Don, Trude, SMYFL, Pigskin football, Pax River Raiders, St. Mary’s Parks and Rec, and all the other Sports in the county, I wish you all the best and hope nothing but great things for the 2010 Season.

You ask what we charge $75.00 for in flag, I then posted to call me and we can go over our program, but no one called so I thought I would just post it on here.

We charge $75.00 and you receive the following;

Painted fields, 3x5 Flag of every team in the league flying when you come into the park, Paid Officials, every child receives a 12” trophy, Pro Bowl game at the end of the season under the lights, NFL Jersey, Insurance that we have for all Board Members, Coaches and Players, A complete banquet with dinner, dancing and Trophy Presentation paid for by the league, fun day that includes Face painting, Color hair Spray, temporary tattoos, games and much more on this day at no charge to the Players of the league. We allow many Players to play in our league at no cost or a reduced cost. Last season we also donated money to St. Mary’s Ryken & another High School. We have spoken with Arthur and look forward to working with St. Mary’s Parks and Rec. to start donating back to them for field maintenance in the County. We also use for our online service, which does not charge the Parents a fee for using that service, but it does charge the league $6.35 for every player that signs up using the online service. We are also looking into scoreboards, advertising that we do by passing out school flyers what are $400.00 every time you have to get the copies made and we handout flyers 4times a year. So this is just a few things that your registration fee goes towards. You also are not required to do any fundraisers or Concession duties.

There are flag leagues out there that charge $95.00 to $135.00 a player that does not offer the things that we offer, but they do a great job and we wish them the best.

As for why we charge less in the fall, because we don’t do all the events that we do in the spring. We also don’t have an insurance bill due in the fall. We will be sending teams to the regional and national tournaments this fall.
Again let’s try to make football a positive place for all Parents, Coaches and Players, Again I thank everyone that puts in long hours as a Board Member, Coach, President, Player and Parent from the Raiders, SMYFL, St. Mary’s County Youth NFL Flag Football & Pigskin.

I ask that if you have any questions or comments about one of the programs then call the program to ask your questions.


Very well put!! Hope eveyone reads your post and realizes there faults.


New Member
Wow Chris! I very rarely post but let this be a clear sign that football in St. Mary's County is heading the right direction. We, as parents and coaches, should all read and re-read that post above. If we all start working together then we become the models, that we should, for our children in the spirit of fun competition. We all live and breathe the same air in this county so lets start thinking about how much we are the same and a little less on how different we are. Great post Chris!


New Member
couldnt agree with chis more since thets what i have been saying since the start people need to stop lies and untruthes and rumors and move forward like adults