St. Mary's Schools


Go Braves!
Originally posted by jmo2676
you all should be lucky calvert starts back next week on tues they dont wait til the 30th to start like stmarys does
That would be fine with me too.


I'm sure the schools could give your child an extra month off. Let's just revise the schedule and take away Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and any other holidays that the students have off. Then they'll have that three months you think they need to forget everything they learned all year.



Sorry about that chief.
Let's see, they have one teachers day every month. That adds two weeks to the schedule. My daughter hasn't stopped reading since summer began and we work with her daily on math. I don't think she'll be forgetting anything over the summer.

Yeah, make them go year round and no recess either, kids shouldn't have fun, go on vacation with the family, have to find something to do on their own, go to the pool every day, camp out or do any of that stuff. :frown:
Originally posted by jlabsher
Yeah, make them go year round and no recess either, kids shouldn't have fun, go on vacation with the family, have to find something to do on their own, go to the pool every day, camp out or do any of that stuff. :frown:
Give me a break! My kids spent two weeks with relatives in Virginia, they have been on several day trips to different festivals, they have spent a week in Myrtle Beach. They are not missing out on anything. Especially considering there is still two weeks left before they even go back. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by jlabsher
Let's see, they have one teachers day every month. That adds two weeks to the schedule. My daughter hasn't stopped reading since summer began and we work with her daily on math. I don't think she'll be forgetting anything over the summer.

Yeah, make them go year round and no recess either, kids shouldn't have fun, go on vacation with the family, have to find something to do on their own, go to the pool every day, camp out or do any of that stuff. :frown:
I am just waiting for the way you are going to blame it on President Bush and the GOP


Sorry about that chief.
Sorry, don't know who to blame it on. Teachers union= dems, no child left behind=reps. Both I suppose, but probably more on the dems.

When I was a kid we either learned it or failed, didn't sass the teachers or were smacked four times, (teacher, principal, mom & dad), had to learn the old fashioned way, memorization, etc.

Now with the libs saying you can't fail kids, can't smack them or have to get in touch with their feelings before teaching them it adds 20% to the school year.

So Pete, no flame war on that front, sorry.


Originally posted by jlabsher
Sorry, don't know who to blame it on. Teachers union= dems, no child left behind=reps. Both I suppose, but probably more on the dems.

When I was a kid we either learned it or failed, didn't sass the teachers or were smacked four times, (teacher, principal, mom & dad), had to learn the old fashioned way, memorization, etc.

Now with the libs saying you can't fail kids, can't smack them or have to get in touch with their feelings before teaching them it adds 20% to the school year.

So Pete, no flame war on that front, sorry.
:shocked: OMG for one brief shining moment you sounded co....con.....conser.....conservative !!!


Sorry about that chief.
At work in DC they call me a conservative redneck, however on I am your resident crazy lib. Go figure


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I agree with JLab. Summer vacations were some of my fondest memories as a kid. Going to camp, visiting relatives, lazing around with my friends. Yes, it's hard on the parents because of daycare concerns but I always thought it was harder to plan for those stupid in-service days every month than to plan my kids' summer farm-out.


I think that they have factored in snow days. If we don't get bad winter weather I am sure you will see them ending school early. This way they don't have to tell parents that they are extending the school year.

Actually I would like to see a year round school schedule. 4 semesters with about 3 week breaks between spread out over the whole year works for me. It would mean you can take a family vacation at other times of the year then the summer without effecting school work.


New Member
Originally posted by alex

Actually I would like to see a year round school schedule. 4 semesters with about 3 week breaks between spread out over the whole year works for me. It would mean you can take a family vacation at other times of the year then the summer without effecting school work.

I would love a year round school schedule. 3 Months of school followed by a one month break would work great! I envy my sister whose kids who do have this schedule.

When I'm taking my kids out of school to go to Disney (bad Mom that I am), her kids are out of school.


b*tch rocket
Oh hell has frozen over. I agree with jlab. :yikes: Summer vacation is far too short. We always started after Labor Day and were on summer vacation by the first week of June. I would prefer they knock off all of those stupid "teacher's day's" and give the kids a few extra weeks when they can enjoy it. :yay:

Hot N Bothered

New Member
I never did find that thread I thought there was about parental input. I'm pretty sure there was a call for it though :shrug:

I did check the schedule, though, the fine print says there are 5 snow days built in, so school could get out as soon as June 13th.


The only reason public schools had summer breaks was back when the country was more rural and most people made there living farming, the summer break was for the kids to be home helping on the farm planting and harvesting. Doesn't seem that that is needed anymore.


New Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
Does it upset anyone else that St. Mary's county schools run from August 30 to June 20? :burning: At this rate they'll be running all year before you know it.

Let them have more than 2 months off in the summer for crap's sake!

I agree.

I think they should have started the 23rd. Plus, the school lets the kids have off for things that they don't need to be out of school on.

Why not have the kids make a day up on a Saturday ? Let the bus drivers still pick them up like it's a regular day during the week. The kids may not like it, but maybe then it won't run them so late at the end of the school year.


It's not easy being green
Are those of you on this thread that want more vacation for your kids all stay-at-home parents? My wife and I both work and keeping the kids occupied (and safe) for 10 weeks is not so easy. So I'm wondering, what do you all do with your kids for the summer?


Go Braves!
Originally posted by moon5leg
Are those of you on this thread that want more vacation for your kids all stay-at-home parents? My wife and I both work and keeping the kids occupied (and safe) for 10 weeks is not so easy. So I'm wondering, what do you all do with your kids for the summer?
I'm a stay at home mom and I'm for year round school. My daughter has been very busy this summer. Going to the beach, hanging out with friends, teaching herself to play the guitar, reading, swimming and next weekend she's going to Busch Gardens.

It's not a matter of occupying her time for me it's a matter of getting as much education as she can for her future.


Sorry about that chief.
My wife stays at home, and she agrees with my feelings on the subject (most days), although I'm sure she'll be happy to have one back in school.

We realize that childhood doesn't last forever, it is much shorter than when we were kids, and it is precious and should be enjoyed. We aren't for the structured activities a lot of parents are into either. Socializing and imaginative play do a lot more towards whole self education than the 3 R's do, and it doesn't get enough credit. Without sounding too touchy-feely, most of the times, play is "get outside and do something".

We both have a hard time with parents who can't understand that you have to make sacrifices to raise good kids, and who still have the "me first" attitude. Heck, I can't remember the last time I watched what I wanted to all night on TV, or made plans for anything without first taking the kids into consideration, or meals, or monetary stuff, etc.

Hopefully they'll remember that when I'm drooling and wearing depends.

I would think that working parents would be more for a year round school due to the costs of daycare.
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