St. Mary's Today Advertiser Boycott


New Member

"The primary cause of the accident was icy roads, authorities said. Speed or alcohol were not factors"

There is no conspiracy. Just a man who wrote an article with inaccurate facts and then an heir of arrogance so strong, that he refused retract one sentence. Thats all that was asked of him.

Now suppose he did have a contact that gave him that information. Maybe an officer, maybe the janitor, maybe batman, who knows. Until the department changes its report, I will not take the word of some two-bit hack just because he said so.


Well-Known Member
Barbra said:
Unless you know your party's extension, all calls go through the station clerk, which is what I am. And if Mr. Rossignol has an insider in the Sheriff's Office, he must have their home number. @ the time the accident occurred, the only two ppl on duty @ HQ were myself & my duty officer.
But does that mean he didn't call after that time when you were not there?

And maybe he does have the parties extension, i don't know
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New Member
milanlf2 said:

" Until the department changes its report, I will not take the word of some two-bit hack just because he said so.

Anybody with more than 2 brain cells to rub together does the same thing, which is why nobody here supports your call to boycott the advertisers. People tend to "consider the source". Ya might wanna try it the next time you read something on the internet. :yay:


New Member
I'm not sure why you are so bent in defending him. But you have the right.

I ask you this question.

The police report is official right?

He only named one person (the accident reconstructionist), and it was proved that that person wasn't even on duty at the time.

What reason does anyone have to believe the St. Mary's Today given the circumstances???


New Member
Ponytail said:
Anybody with more than 2 brain cells to rub together does the same thing, which is why nobody here supports your call to boycott the advertisers. People tend to "consider the source". Ya might wanna try it the next time you read something on the internet. :yay:

A company should research where it advertises. You won't find a commercial for Childrens Tylenol on the spice channel.

I am very aware of the "source". What has me angry about it, is the victims friends and family from Minnesota who are stumbling across that particular website and thinking its real news. And believe me, many of them have read it.


aka Mrs. Giant
Barbra said:
Unless you know your party's extension, all calls go through the station clerk, which is what I am. And if Mr. Rossignol has an insider in the Sheriff's Office, he must have their home number. @ the time the accident occurred, the only two ppl on duty @ HQ were myself & my duty officer.
:yeahthat: BTW, give me a call please. :kiss:


New Member
Thank you Barbra, hearing from someone who knows the department protocol first hand makes me feel a lot better.