St Marys Today


Well-Known Member
vannawhite said:
You are kidding? Regardless of what you think about my question, they are sitting on their bottoms and could stand to be a hell of a lot more vigilant. If things have BEEN consistently out of hand since December 2006 then when are they going to START implementing programs to tackle the influx of crime. Maybe allowing three months to go by with crimes continuing to happen makes you feel ok but for me and many others we want to see progress in getting it under control and not lose more people, have damage to more property, and have more businesses robbed at gunpoint.
youre right they should have enacted the "cop at each plot" law by now :sarcasm:

I dont know if you noticed, but leonardtown is pretty heavily patroled by state and county law enforcement. you aren't going to stop all crime, and stuff like vandalism isn't a high priority


New Member
Midnightrider said:
youre right they should have enacted the "cop at each plot" law by now :sarcasm:

I dont know if you noticed, but leonardtown is pretty heavily patroled by state and county law enforcement. you aren't going to stop all crime, and stuff like vandalism isn't a high priority

So, I guess I am the only one who thinks it's too much crime going on lately and wanting the officials to crack down on it is just a ridiculous thought. I wonder if those same elected officials think its too overwhelming.


Well-Known Member
vannawhite said:
So, I guess I am the only one who thinks it's too much crime going on lately and wanting the officials to crack down on it is just a ridiculous thought. I wonder if those same elected officials think its too overwhelming.
no, but you are the only idiot who thinks that county commisioners and such are going to be able to stop vandalism.

I'd rather the police concentrate on more important issues, instead of staking out all the cemetaries in the county

Not that they shuoldn't get involved after, and prosecute anyone they find resposible, but they aren't going to ever prevent all crime.

and let me add, my feelings go out to those who have family/friends in the disturbed plots, i hope they catch the punks who did it
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New Member
Midnightrider said:
no, but you are the only idiot who thinks that county commisioners and such are going to be able to stop vandalism.

I'd rather the police concentrate on more important issues, instead of staking out all the cemetaries in the county

Not that they shuoldn't get involved after, and prosecute anyone they find resposible, but they aren't going to ever prevent all crime.

and let me add, my feelings go out to those who have family/friends in the disturbed plots, i hope they catch the punks who did it

Are you kidding? While I certainly believe that this latest incident with the cemetary is another sign of things getting out of hand my first gripe is with the madness that has become our county's biggest problems. Over 10 local businesses have been robbed since December 2006. On Tuesday a man lost his life. In addition there are numerous gun-related violence that has happened consistently since September 2006. THAT is a problem to me. When are they going to recruit more officers, hold town meetings, encourage neighborhood and business watches and anything else that will help crack down on the rising violent crime.


Well-Known Member
vannawhite said:
Are you kidding? While I certainly believe that this latest incident with the cemetary is another sign of things getting out of hand my first gripe is with the madness that has become our county's biggest problems. Over 10 local businesses have been robbed since December 2006. On Tuesday a man lost his life. In addition there are numerous gun-related violence that has happened consistently since September 2006. THAT is a problem to me. When are they going to recruit more officers, hold town meetings, encourage neighborhood and business watches and anything else that will help crack down on the rising violent crime.
your right, you should probably move to landover :whistle:


New Member
My turn.

For those who don't like the local gov't and their attempts to fight crime. Go to the police station and sign up to become a cop. For those that can't do that next election you should add your name to the ballot and if you get elected then you best make sure crime is under control with in three months. :sarcasm:

I agree that things are getting out of control but there are only so many cops and so many hours in a day. These people in office and on the streets are working as best they can with the funds and resorces they have. Unless you are willing to take action and help.

I understand we elected them and if you did not vote then don't say any thing. If you voted then contact your rep. and see if that would help the problems...

Sorry, but I hate seeing (hearing) people bad mouth the local gov't when they don't have any idea what they are doing and how bad THEY feel that they can only do what they can do with what they have..


American Beauty
PREMO Member
vannawhite said:
Are you kidding? While I certainly believe that this latest incident with the cemetary is another sign of things getting out of hand my first gripe is with the madness that has become our county's biggest problems. Over 10 local businesses have been robbed since December 2006. On Tuesday a man lost his life. In addition there are numerous gun-related violence that has happened consistently since September 2006. THAT is a problem to me. When are they going to recruit more officers, hold town meetings, encourage neighborhood and business watches and anything else that will help crack down on the rising violent crime.

Start your own chapter and get this cute little beret. :yay:


Well-Known Member
Richard Cranium said:
Maybe those pigs smcop and somdwhiner can move their speedtraps to the cemeteries....then they can do two things at once.
thats three things, you are forgeting the eating donuts part :sarcasm:


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Maybe those pigs smcop and somdwhiner can move their speedtraps to the cemeteries....then they can do two things at once.

Glad to see that you are making friends.


vannawhite said:
So, I guess I am the only one who thinks it's too much crime going on lately and wanting the officials to crack down on it is just a ridiculous thought. I wonder if those same elected officials think its too overwhelming.

Just WTF is it that you want them to do? :dork:


vannawhite said:
Is this an unmanned cemetary? Where were the groundskeepers? :confused:

Just where have you seen a grave yard where the grounds keepers are securtiy? Grounds Keepers are just that, grounds keepers!
I know of no grave yards that employ securtiy guards either.
What planet are you from?


Has confinement issues..
I'm going to go by there this afternoon and check it out.. I have family and friends all over that cemetary:frown: