The ST. Matthews church in Tulsa OK sent me a prayer rug and a list to check my needs. I can even send them a seed gift for the prayer rug. The rug is a small poster size paper rendention of Jesus. So how much should my gift be

Nothing, First off a Biblical church wouldnt send you an image of anything in Heaven above or in the earth beneath. Also since we have no idea what Christ looked like.Then theres is the second commandment about graven images. I cant recall the Bible ever ordaining prayer rugs as part of Biblical worship.
If you have prayer concerns lift them up to a local body that your apart of, people that you know will pray for you and are concerned for you.
Why not send your money if you need to, to some ministery that you know is going to further the gospel or put Gods word in the hands of people that are so desperate for it?
I personally dont send money to everyone that sends me free address labels in the mail with my name mispelled on them.
I use this criteria
Ministeries where the highest percentage of income goes to furthering the gospel and not to fundraising.
Local Church first!
Ministerys that send Bibles to nations in their own language where there is a shortage.
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