Stabbings and riots in Dublin


Well-Known Member
I'm casually watching this. 5 stabbings from a UNNAMED perp followed buy pissed off drunken Irishmen rioting.
For whatever reason they aren't giving the stabbers name or country of origin at least that I can find. Best I can tell he ain't Irish.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Perhaps Ireland will end up being ground zero for the citizen push to preserve national sovereignty. It has to start somewhere.

Hungary & Japan are 2 nations that are getting it right for their citizens. 200 years from now you will find Hungarians, North Koreans, Japanese and mutts inhabiting the world.


I saw a video online earlier today and it was an Irishman ranting saying how pissed they are that they are blaming this on the right winged boogeyman. He said it was an immigrant that did this.


PREMO Member
how pissed they are that they are blaming this on the right winged boogeyman.

What I saw was a protestor complaining about the news media blaming the protests on Right Wingers

because objection to migrants = right wing apparently


Well-Known Member
Every story you click is about the riot and the knife attacker is mentioned in 2 sentences. He's an Irish citizen who's lived there for 20 yrs is mentioned. Nothing more is talked about besides the riot.

Will we ever find out who the attacker was.?


Well-Known Member
Every story you click is about the riot and the knife attacker is mentioned in 2 sentences. He's an Irish citizen who's lived there for 20 yrs is mentioned. Nothing more is talked about besides the riot.

Will we ever find out who the attacker was.?
Lots of direct accounts of the activities on TikTok, they were saying he was a 1st generation child of refugees. Seems this happens a lot, the people themselves are happy to be away from whatever they fled. Then their kids romanticize about how nice it would be in an all Muslim state and how horribly oppressed they are (for not being allowed to oppress) in the west, and they lash out.


Well-Known Member
Our own country is doing the same thong other countries are doing.
We are allowing our own country to fill up with people roaming across our border like no border is even there.
We are filling our cities with unskilled, uneducated, uncivilized people who breed like minks and teach their spawn to hate us.

These Spanish speaking people refuse to learn our language, they all refuse to adhere to our culture, insist on displaying their own flags, Islamic people request their own laws, wear their slave scarves, treat their women like dogs and many of the women put up with it. We have Islamic women in our Congress---people would think that with their own freedom to speak, they would speak up for Islamic women the world over to have that same freedom but instead they speak out for the Palestinians who use their women and children as shields, Kidnap other women and children as bargaining chips in their perverted means of waging war.
How can I be expected to respect women like this Talib and Omar who use American freedoms to ignore the captivity of their own sex in Islamic countries. To belong to and revere Islam when they are deep in the knowledge of its. depravity.

There is but one Islam and those who adhere to it's teachings are either in favor of it's murderous teachings or hiding their beliefs until they gain the strength to turn all of the world into their slaves. Islam is NOT a religion of Peace. It is a religion of Hate.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
History Made As Irish Citizens Riot While Completely Sober

DUBLIN — Overlooked in the chaotic situation that unfolded in recent days, Irish citizens made history as they engaged in violent rioting while completely sober for the first time ever.

"This is truly unprecedented," said Professor Blake Rumsey, sociologist and lead historian at the Institute of Knowledge. "Throughout recorded history, we've never seen this type of Irish upheaval in the absence of copious amounts of beer, whiskey, and Bailey's Irish Cream. It is both surprising and impressive to see Irish citizens proving their collective ability to stage a riot while not the least bit intoxicated."



Well-Known Member
History Made As Irish Citizens Riot While Completely Sober

DUBLIN — Overlooked in the chaotic situation that unfolded in recent days, Irish citizens made history as they engaged in violent rioting while completely sober for the first time ever.

"This is truly unprecedented," said Professor Blake Rumsey, sociologist and lead historian at the Institute of Knowledge. "Throughout recorded history, we've never seen this type of Irish upheaval in the absence of copious amounts of beer, whiskey, and Bailey's Irish Cream. It is both surprising and impressive to see Irish citizens proving their collective ability to stage a riot while not the least bit intoxicated."

I always liked the joke what is the difference between an Irish Wedding and an Irish funeral?
One less drunk at the funeral.

The Irish are a different lot. Great people, but they have fought in every war that ever was and on both sides of that war.


Well-Known Member
Finally found an article that said he immigrated from Algeria. They still want to harp on he's an Irish citizen. Guess the Algerian part didn't leave.