

I ended up in the hospital yesterday for what I thought were contractions. I had severe belly cramping stating at my belly button and spreading out, the pain was paralyzing, I couldn't speak, and it came in waves. My Dr. told me to come in to L & D. I was vomiting, they hooked me up to an IV. The nurse eventually gave me Stadol, I was told it might make me dizzy but the pain would go away. I wasn't just dizzy, I was WASTED, within 5 minutes this stuff turned me into a blabbering idiot. It was really scary. The woman taking my information was getting mad b/c I couldn't answer her. ALL of he following side effects were present :
Drowsiness, dizziness, incoordination, nervousness, a floating feeling, headache, nausea, vomiting, constipation, trouble sleeping, dry mouth, confusion and sweating.

I was scared for my baby. While they were doing the ultrasound the baby was completely still, normally the baby is in perpetual motion (being on the belly/heartbeat monitor confirmed this).

What I found was that this drug is used during labor and some of you might know that I'm opting for the natural labor, no interventions. And now I know first hand.
I have more questions as to why it was given to me and the amount that was given.

Has anybody had any experience with this drug, good or bad?


Well-Known Member
with my first pregnancy, after 40 plus hours of labor pains and 2 failed epidurals I was facing a forceps delivery with no pain meds. They gave me stadol. I felt like I was drunk during the delivery. :jameo: It really didn't help the pain much, but I didn't care at that point either. Good news is it wore off really quickly.

Hope you are feeling better.


Don't know anything about that but I'll give you a :huggy:
Thanks cat!

with my first pregnancy, after 40 plus hours of labor pains and 2 failed epidurals I was facing a forceps delivery with no pain meds. They gave me stadol. I felt like I was drunk during the delivery. :jameo: It really didn't help the pain much, but I didn't care at that point either. Good news is it wore off really quickly.

Hope you are feeling better.

Thank you, I'm on the upswing today, I started :geek: so that's a good indication that things are working properly :biggrin:

That's good that it worked for you, I suppose that if I was in that situation it would be different and I might be feeling better about it. It took many hours for it to wear off, I am so sensitive.


Blondes do it better.....
I was given stadol during ACTIVE labor and it really helped. But I don't think they should have given it to you especially in the quantity they did, if they weren't even sure if you were in labor. I would call and speak to someone about that.


Throwing the deuces
with my first pregnancy, after 40 plus hours of labor pains and 2 failed epidurals I was facing a forceps delivery with no pain meds. They gave me stadol. I felt like I was drunk during the delivery. :jameo: It really didn't help the pain much, but I didn't care at that point either. Good news is it wore off really quickly.

Hope you are feeling better.

I was given that when I was induced with my first son and I felt like I was drunk (and I've never had alcohol so I was basing this on what other say is feels like). I felt out of it and like I wasn't in control. Scared the crap out of me but it wore off quickly too.


Well-Known Member
I was given stadol during ACTIVE labor and it really helped. But I don't think they should have given it to you especially in the quantity they did, if they weren't even sure if you were in labor. I would call and speak to someone about that.

I believe they gave it to her because she was in extreme pain. It doesn't have to be labor pain to be pain. Stadol is one of the safe pain medications to give to a pregnant lady. I'm sure they didn't just juice her up for the heck of it. Her doctor had to order it, and if she has confidence in her doctor ordering it, and it helped with the pain, problem solved. She was loopy and pain free and now feels better. Sounds like a win win. :buddies:


Blondes do it better.....
I believe they gave it to her because she was in extreme pain. It doesn't have to be labor pain to be pain. Stadol is one of the safe pain medications to give to a pregnant lady. I'm sure they didn't just juice her up for the heck of it. Her doctor had to order it, and if she has confidence in her doctor ordering it, and it helped with the pain, problem solved. She was loopy and pain free and now feels better. Sounds like a win win. :buddies:

Wouldn't doubt it. I understand that she was in severe pain, BUT they should have reduced the quantity given if they didn't even know whether or not she was in labor. There is no point to give a pregnant woman drugs unless she willing asks for it, because there is always that chance. NO drug is safe, there are ones safer but never 100% gaurentee.


I was given stadol during ACTIVE labor and it really helped. But I don't think they should have given it to you especially in the quantity they did, if they weren't even sure if you were in labor. I would call and speak to someone about that.

I still don't know exactly how much was given to me so at my next OB appointment I'm going to find out. I'm 26 weeks and at this point they ruled out that it wasn't active labor or contractions for that matter.

Today I'm going to enjoy the BRAT diet :rolleyes:
I am STARVING, jello, chicken broth, and gatorade aren't cutting it today.... I think I can take it.


Blondes do it better.....
I still don't know exactly how much was given to me so at my next OB appointment I'm going to find out. I'm 26 weeks and at this point they ruled out that it wasn't active labor or contractions for that matter.

Today I'm going to enjoy the BRAT diet :rolleyes:
I am STARVING, jello, chicken broth, and gatorade aren't cutting it today.... I think I can take it.

:faint: and your only 26 weeks, you poor thing.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't doubt it. I understand that she was in severe pain, BUT they should have reduced the quantity given if they didn't even know whether or not she was in labor. There is no point to give a pregnant woman drugs unless she willing asks for it, because there is always that chance. NO drug is safe, there are ones safer but never 100% gaurentee.

What difference does it make if she were in labor or not?

If she went in with an amputated leg, do you think they would have reduced the quantity of medication given because she wasn't in ACTIVE labor?

I think I just need to go take a chill pill :killingme
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Please stay on top of this!!! If you feel pains again run, don't walk, to your nearest emergency room and ask them to do tests. My doctor ruled out pre-term labor for the 3 times I saw him in a week. The 4th I was flown out in preterm @ 24 weeks with a terrible infection inside my uterus!

Not to scare you .. but no one should go through that!


Well-Known Member
I ended up in the hospital yesterday for what I thought were contractions. I had severe belly cramping stating at my belly button and spreading out, the pain was paralyzing, I couldn't speak, and it came in waves. My Dr. told me to come in to L & D. I was vomiting, they hooked me up to an IV. The nurse eventually gave me Stadol, I was told it might make me dizzy but the pain would go away. I wasn't just dizzy, I was WASTED, within 5 minutes this stuff turned me into a blabbering idiot. It was really scary. The woman taking my information was getting mad b/c I couldn't answer her. ALL of he following side effects were present :
Drowsiness, dizziness, incoordination, nervousness, a floating feeling, headache, nausea, vomiting, constipation, trouble sleeping, dry mouth, confusion and sweating.

I was scared for my baby. While they were doing the ultrasound the baby was completely still, normally the baby is in perpetual motion (being on the belly/heartbeat monitor confirmed this).

What I found was that this drug is used during labor and some of you might know that I'm opting for the natural labor, no interventions. And now I know first hand.
I have more questions as to why it was given to me and the amount that was given.

Has anybody had any experience with this drug, good or bad?
Sorry you didnt like it :huggy: They gave it to me when I was in labor w/ my first one and I loved it! It took the edge off the contractions and let me get some much needed rest.
I believe they gave it to her because she was in extreme pain. It doesn't have to be labor pain to be pain. Stadol is one of the safe pain medications to give to a pregnant lady. I'm sure they didn't just juice her up for the heck of it. Her doctor had to order it, and if she has confidence in her doctor ordering it, and it helped with the pain, problem solved. She was loopy and pain free and now feels better. Sounds like a win win. :buddies:
:yeahthat: If it wasnt safe for the baby they wouldnt have given it to her.

I am a little miffed that I didnt get crap last week when I was in L&D :mad: My contractions/braxton hicks were 4 1/2 - 5 minute apart and I didnt get any pain medication!


I believe they gave it to her because she was in extreme pain. It doesn't have to be labor pain to be pain. Stadol is one of the safe pain medications to give to a pregnant lady. I'm sure they didn't just juice her up for the heck of it. Her doctor had to order it, and if she has confidence in her doctor ordering it, and it helped with the pain, problem solved. She was loopy and pain free and now feels better. Sounds like a win win. :buddies:

I think they did it because they needed to run tests and if I wasn't comfortable then they couldn't get anything done.
I'm with Rarebreed, I was scared, it came on so strong in an instant. I was stripping because I was so hot, I was yelling for the nurse the worst part was that my Dr. told SO to go get something to eat so I was alone.

I do trust my Dr. I just would like things to be explained to me.

Wouldn't doubt it. I understand that she was in severe pain, BUT they should have reduced the quantity given if they didn't even know whether or not she was in labor. There is no point to give a pregnant woman drugs unless she willing asks for it, because there is always that chance. NO drug is safe, there are ones safer but never 100% gaurentee.

What I read was that this medication should be used only if clearly needed during pregnancy. I'm going to ask about it.

sorry honey :huggy: glad to hear you are doing better today. can twait for u to pop out that bundle of joy :biggrin:

Thanks! I can't wait either :lmao: I'm running out of room :cds:
Being in L&D and hearing all the babies being born was the best part of yesterday. My son was listening and commenting, "MOM, that baby was SOOOO cute, they just wheeled her down the hall".


Please stay on top of this!!! If you feel pains again run, don't walk, to your nearest emergency room and ask them to do tests. My doctor ruled out pre-term labor for the 3 times I saw him in a week. The 4th I was flown out in preterm @ 24 weeks with a terrible infection inside my uterus!

Not to scare you .. but no one should go through that!

:yeahthat: this is why I was scared.

I called my sister b/c I still don't know what real or Braxton Hicks feel like. The only ones I know is when I :gossip: when we're getting it on :really: so I know my belly gets hard, that's about it.

Sorry you didnt like it :huggy: They gave it to me when I was in labor w/ my first one and I loved it! It took the edge off the contractions and let me get some much needed rest.

:yeahthat: If it wasnt safe for the baby they wouldnt have given it to her.

I am a little miffed that I didnt get crap last week when I was in L&D :mad: My contractions/braxton hicks were 4 1/2 - 5 minute apart and I didnt get any pain medication!

If they EVER try to give it to me again, I'll ask for a to go cup for you.

So how did that visit turn out? Are you still feeling the BH?


Well-Known Member
If they EVER try to give it to me again, I'll ask for a to go cup for you.

So how did that visit turn out? Are you still feeling the BH?

You are the best :huggy:

Yes I still have them off and on but not as bad as they were that day. I had been having them at work all day and they monitored me in L&D for 2 hours and they wre 4 1/2 to 5 minutes apart which had me really worried. Luckily the medicine worked. The OBGYN did tell me that if they continue to come more frequent and have a reg pattern that I will probably go onto the pill form.


You are the best :huggy:

Yes I still have them off and on but not as bad as they were that day. I had been having them at work all day and they monitored me in L&D for 2 hours and they wre 4 1/2 to 5 minutes apart which had me really worried. Luckily the medicine worked. The OBGYN did tell me that if they continue to come more frequent and have a reg pattern that I will probably go onto the pill form.

You tell that baby to STAY!

Are you a week ahead or behind me I forget.

I'm guessing that sunflower had her baby already? Haven't seen her post in a while.


Well-Known Member
You tell that baby to STAY!

Are you a week ahead or behind me I forget.

I'm guessing that sunflower had her baby already? Haven't seen her post in a while.

As of yesterday she was still baking her baby :lol:

I am due 10-28... I have now reached the phase where every day is dragging ass :frown: