Starbucks FIRES Disabled Veteran For 50 Cent Discount


New Member
I was in the California Starbucks yesterday. I asked where our favorite Barista "George" has been hiding. The girl said he was no longer working there, that he was let go. Another customer told me he was fired for theft of profit for giving his domestic partner a discount of 50 cents on a cup of coffee. No prior warning, just fired by the District Manager on advise from the Store Manager Doug.

I don't know about you, but I'm upset. In the last two years George has been the reason I've been going there. He's fast, friendly and knows my order. The store is always clean on his shift. I've met his partner, he's realtor who brings business to their store. And he was fired without warning for a discount? THAT IS WRONG!

George served our country proudly in the Navy. He's a retired disabled veteran. I don't know about you, out of respect for George, my business is being taken elsewhere. He was treated unfairly and I'm disgusted. Mountian Mud can have my $6.00 a day habit from here on out.

Pops :patriot:


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Staff member
PREMO Member
he was fired for theft of profit for giving his domestic partner a discount of 50 cents on a cup of coffee

Unless he was putting the extra 50¢ back into the register (from of his own pocket) I'd fire him too. His DAV status has nothing to do with his actions as you've described them.


professional daydreamer
Sharon said:
Unless he was putting the extra 50¢ back into the register (from of his own pocket) I'd fire him too. His DAV status has nothing to do with his actions as you've described them.

Places like this offer discounts, don't they? I'm kind of confused. Why can't he give someone he knows a discount?


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Staff member
PREMO Member
elaine said:
Places like this offer discounts, don't they?

I don't know. I was just going by how the situation was described in the original post. Starbucks is overrated and overpriced IMO; I don't go there.


professional daydreamer
If this is who I think it is, he's been there for several years. He's the best employee there I've ever encountered.


professional daydreamer
Why would an employee risk losing his job over a .50 cent discount when he could have just as easily given his friend a freebie? It's just not making sense to me.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"Giving a discount" without prior approval is stealing and worthy of termination.

You said a customer told you this? So there might be more to the story? As in, George was giving "discounts" to lots of other people as well?
elaine said:
Why can't he give someone he knows a discount?
Because it's not his "discount" to give.


But wait, there's more...
vraiblonde said:
"Giving a discount" without prior approval is stealing and worthy of termination.

You said a customer told you this? So there might be more to the story? As in, George was giving "discounts" to lots of other people as well?
Because it's not his "discount" to give.
:yeahthat: I'd fire him too (based on the known facts)! It might only be 50-cents here, 50-cents there, but the owner isn't in business to be a charity; he/she is in business to make money. The fact that he was a veteran has nothing to do with it; in fact, I'm even more appalled that he'd do it b/c military folks typically have a higher standard of integrity and honor they live by as a result of their military training/experiences.

ImPops said:
In the last two years George has been the reason I've been going there.
Is that to socialize with the employee or get your "discount"?

I gotta 5-spot that says the thread starter's first name is "George". :whistle:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
crabcake said:
It might only be 50-cents here, 50-cents there, but the owner isn't in business to be a charity; he/she is in business to make money.
And, to me, that's not even the point. Maybe if George had asked his employer, "Hey, can I give my buddy a discount?" the employer would have said, "Sure" and that would have been that.

When I worked at the pizza place, there were numerous times that my boss (the owner) tore up my husband's check when he brought the kids in for dinner. But I would have never taken it upon myself to so much as give him a free drink refill without permission.


New Member
Send me my $5.00. My name is Cory.

Second of all, employees can use their discount when purchasing beverages for their family & friends.

Third, George is the Cuban Dude that has given Starbucks 4+ years dedicated service. He out shines the store manager. Sounds like he was looking for any reason to fire him. The one they used was lame.

Pops :patriot:


New Member
George was the Assistant Store Manager, one would think he'd have the discretion as to whom he gives a discount.

Pops :patriot:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, let's make lemonade then. George is now in the happy position to find employment with a company that will appreciate his talents and pay him accordingly. I can't imagine his life's ambition was to be the Assistant Manager at a Starbucks. If he's as great as you say he is, he'll find something better soon and will be in a much better place because of his firing.

But he still should have asked before he gave a discount. Assistant Manager is a next-to-nobody with no real power or authorization.


Set Trippin
vraiblonde said:
Well, let's make lemonade then. George is now in the happy position to find employment with a company that will appreciate his talents and pay him accordingly. I can't imagine his life's ambition was to be the Assistant Manager at a Starbucks. If he's as great as you say he is, he'll find something better soon and will be in a much better place because of his firing.

But he still should have asked before he gave a discount. Assistant Manager is a next-to-nobody with no real power or authorization.
Will you give me a $5.00 discount off a premo account, pretty please? :biggrin:


ImPops said:
Second of all, employees can use their discount when purchasing beverages for their family & friends.

Apparently not.

ImPops said:
Third, George is the Cuban Dude that has given Starbucks 4+ years dedicated service. He out shines the store manager. Sounds like he was looking for any reason to fire him. The one they used was lame.

Maybe you should write a letter to Starbuck Corporate office. There may or may not be more to the story than what you know. If you find a sypathetic ear there, maybe George can eventually plead his case.

I'm kinda torn on this one... technically it's stealing - on the other hand, a fifty cent discount to his wife doesn't sound like it's something a multi-million dollar national corporation would be much worried about. When I worked at a nationwide pizza chain, I ate more free pizza than I care to remember, and gave away tons as well. Neither my manager nor his boss seemed to give a tiny rat's ass.

Therefore I tend to think that there's more to this, than a loyal, competent and respected worker getting the axe over 50 cents. I'd think that if Starbucks (or any national chain) gets their hands on a competent employee they'd hold on to him tight with both friggin hands.


But wait, there's more...
ImPops said:
Third, George is the Cuban Dude that has given Starbucks 4+ years dedicated service. He out shines the store manager. Sounds like he was looking for any reason to fire him. The one they used was lame.

Pops :patriot:
If George is so dedicated and "bright" that he outshines the store manager, perhaps he should open up his own Starbucks and he can give discounts out to whomever he wants to.

Canning someone for stealing (which is essentially what he did) is not a lame reason to fire someone. I know who you're talking about, and yea, he was always friendly, but "friendly" doesn't keep the business afloat.