elaine said:
I don't know him personally, but if I bump into him I'll ask him. I'd be willing to wager it was something personal. Either his "orientation", or a threat to the current management, could have even been jealousy or the fact that he's cuban. This guy runs circles around everyone else I've ever seen there, and does it with a great attitude. He seemed to like working there.
George, or "Jorge" as I call him when I am messing with him, is just the coolest. He does run circles around the others and does add character and flair to yet another corporate cattle prod. I think he's a fantastic dude with a good head and gets what being human means. He also can have an attitude and act like a b!tch in heat, which is also a part of his charm. Dog lover extraordinairre (sp?) even if they are cocker spaniels (JOKE)...
I have also seen others that don't get the flair for the dramatic, the "Birdcage" banter, the restaurant business mentality and therefore feel as though he rubs them the wrong way.
Chances are, the $.50 discount was just a bullsh!t way for corporate to cover being a pussy. I feel that Jorge would be the kind of assest most companies, even corporate, would look for, to set them apart.