Started As Pollen-Triggered Allergies


Well-Known Member it feels like a summer cold. Self-medicating doesn't seem to be working, so it's off to the M.D......but couldn't get an appointment til Monday; and the grass needs to be cut this weekend.
I have a feeling I'm gonna be in way worse shape than I already am now, come Monday. Here's hoping I'm not. :fingerscrossed:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Mine started last Thursday. Exact same symptoms. Started out feeling like my typical allergies but then turned into something else. The worst part was I ran a fever on and off all weekend. Finally began to shake it Monday. All that's left now is the cough.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
IF I can get my collective &*!t together Saturday morning; not holding my breath; IF the weather doesn't go to ***t this weekend I want to go to Mech'ville; see if the Amish farmers have any.

Or try the famers market at BAE or Sotterley. Keepin it Local in Morganza carries it.


Well-Known Member

When? No, more importantly, where? Please quote the post in this thread in which I specifically said I went to the doctor for a cold.

You even quoted what I said. You must not have read every word though. In part, I said 'FEELS like a summer cold.' For all I know, it's something else. THAT is why I'm going to the Dr..
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Well-Known Member
I'm hoping to be able to find it in Mech'ville. Morganza's somewhat of 'a hike' just for honey.

I mentioned the local honey remedy to a friend who told me he was going to be in the Mech'ville area. Today, he hands me a label-free honey bear. So, I tasted it. It has a distinct taste; unlike the honey you find in the store. So far today, I've had three picnic spoonsful. :yum:.....and yes, that's how you say it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I mentioned the local honey remedy to a friend who told me he was going to be in the Mech'ville area. Today, he hands me a label-free honey bear. So, I tasted it. It has a distinct taste; unlike the honey you find in the store. So far today, I've had three picnic spoonsful. :yum:.....and yes, that's how you say it.

ONE a day. Period. This is not a case of 'if a little is good, more is great..."
I mentioned the local honey remedy to a friend who told me he was going to be in the Mech'ville area. Today, he hands me a label-free honey bear. So, I tasted it. It has a distinct taste; unlike the honey you find in the store. So far today, I've had three picnic spoonsful. :yum:.....and yes, that's how you say it.
If it was label free how do you know it is honey made locally?


Well-Known Member
ONE a day. Period. This is not a case of 'if a little is good, more is great..."

Well, my first thought was; like with prescription medication when you first start taking it; take a double dose the first time, then take as prescribed. That usually works.
I don't know if it's because I doubled the suggested intake yesterday, but I do feel better today. Point taken.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well, my first thought was; like with prescription medication when you first start taking it; take a double dose the first time, then take as prescribed. That usually works.
I don't know if it's because I doubled the suggested intake yesterday, but I do feel better today. Point taken.

I'm just saying to treat it like medicine.

Think about it; the cure for a snake bite is some snake venom. The cure for polio is a little bit of virus. People are immune to all sorts of things they were exposed to in small doses. Allergy shots, same thing. That's why it works; a LITTLE bit of what ails you. Which is why it needs to be local and raw. The goodies are IN there. So, then, it becomes 'how much is enough' and how much is not?' One spoon a day was suggested to me so, that's what I am doing.

So, listen to your body. Maybe a little more, maybe a little less? :buddies: