State of The Union play by play


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Frank said:
How do you get a court order for a guy who keeps changing his cell phone every two minutes? And he has 20-40 phone lines?
Air intercept of information does not need a court order as I understand it. Most of the overseas phone cons go through satellite and therefore are air transmissions and not subject to the land line laws.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

SAHRAB said:
You forgot:
Bush Lied
Bush knew about/was involved/planned 9/11
Taxbreaks for the Rich
Bush chimpy Hitler
Blood for Oil
For the Children
Haliburton (lol)

...just to show your moderate credentials, I'll let you handle this DU refugee.

(PS: This is the kind of person and 'thinking' that is directly responsible for Dean and Pelosi and Reids non sense and getting us the House back AND increasing control in the Senate AND the White House AND doing well in the Supreme Court, so, don't be too rough and straighten 'em out, we need 'em JUST the way they are!)


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...just to show your moderate credentials, I'll let you handle this DU refugee.

(PS: This is the kind of person and 'thinking' that is directly responsible for Dean and Pelosi and Reids non sense and getting us the House back AND increasing control in the Senate AND the White House AND doing well in the Supreme Court, so, don't be too rough and straighten 'em out, we need 'em JUST the way they are!)
Yeah. And dareK is so sneeky with his id, too. :killingme


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...just to show your moderate credentials, I'll let you handle this DU refugee.

(PS: This is the kind of person and 'thinking' that is directly responsible for Dean and Pelosi and Reids non sense and getting us the House back AND increasing control in the Senate AND the White House AND doing well in the Supreme Court, so, don't be too rough and straighten 'em out, we need 'em JUST the way they are!)
Psst. SAHRAB typically argues conservative. I think he was just being facetious.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Kerad said:
Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires -- a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we're talking about chasing down terrorists, we're talking about getting a court order before we do so.

We now know due to recent revelations that the US government was indeed serveilling without the FISA court orders he was referencing in THAT speech. He personally signed off on it. THAT is the lie.
Wiretaps do require a court order, but can be carried out for up to a year without getting one in certain circumstances (read the FISA laws to learn when and how this can be done). Echelon "listenings" do not require any such order and are a tool for the defense and security of the nation.

These are two separate critters, combining them and treating them as one, as you, many liberals, and the media are doing, is where the confusion comes into play.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...unsigned green???

I'm sure it's related to the unsigned red that one person has sent me several times over a few minute period. Same person...using their MPD's.

Does the idiot know karma means nothing? Can't buy anything with it. Another loser who wants to be tough...but too scared to be.
Hey "cuz it's thursday"'re a scared little b1tch.

Last edited:


New Member
Ken King said:
Wiretaps do require a court order, but can be carried out for up to a year without getting one in certain circumstances (read the FISA laws to learn when and how this can be done). Echelon "listenings" do not require any such order and are a tool for the defense and security of the nation.

These are two separate critters, combining them and treating them as one, as you, many liberals, and the media are doing, is where the confusion comes into play.

Just quoting the President.

Once again...I was pointing out an instance where the President lied to the American people. you can go nuts with the wirtetaps and FISA debates. My point has been proven.


Super Genius
Kerad said:
Just quoting the President.

Once again...I was pointing out an instance where the President lied to the American people. you can go nuts with the wirtetaps and FISA debates. My point has been proven.
I still do not see the lie :confused:

Quote #1 - we need to get a court order to do wiretaps
Quote #2 - we need to get a court order to do wiretaps


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
I still do not see the lie :confused:

Quote #1 - we need to get a court order to do wiretaps
Quote #2 - we need to get a court order to do wiretaps
What he's calling a lie is the part that isn't in there - he's saying it has been done since then - making these lies retroactively.

But he hasn't made his case yet that they're retroactive lies - because for whatever reason, he's basing it on the general 'acknowledgment' that THAT has happened. And I haven't seen that, yet. Only the continued accusation, and an accusation isn't proof.


Super Genius
SamSpade said:
What he's calling a lie is the part that isn't in there - he's saying it has been done since then - making these lies retroactively.

But he hasn't made his case yet that they're retroactive lies - because for whatever reason, he's basing it on the general 'acknowledgment' that THAT has happened. And I haven't seen that, yet. Only the continued accusation, and an accusation isn't proof.
That's what I thought at first, but despite all the information we gave him, he keeps holding to the "Bush lied and the only proof I need to provide is a quote of him saying that wiretaps need court orders." I just don't get it.

Kerad, please provide proof.


This is fun right?
SAHRAB said:
You forgot:
Bush Lied
Bush knew about/was involved/planned 9/11
Taxbreaks for the Rich
Bush chimpy Hitler
Blood for Oil
For the Children
Haliburton (lol)

You lean much farther to the left, and you'll topple over! Bye!

Guess someone doesnt get Sarcasm?


This is fun right?
Larry Gude said:
...just to show your moderate credentials, I'll let you handle this DU refugee.

(PS: This is the kind of person and 'thinking' that is directly responsible for Dean and Pelosi and Reids non sense and getting us the House back AND increasing control in the Senate AND the White House AND doing well in the Supreme Court, so, don't be too rough and straighten 'em out, we need 'em JUST the way they are!)

Larry, i do hope you understand that was posted with :sarcasm: (always forget that smiley).

go check my other posts in the political forum and see if you think i'm a DU refugee


New Member
ylexot said:
That's what I thought at first, but despite all the information we gave him, he keeps holding to the "Bush lied and the only proof I need to provide is a quote of him saying that wiretaps need court orders." I just don't get it.

Kerad, please provide proof.

What part of the lie isn't clear? The quotes I provided are from 2004. Bush signed the order authorizing the NSA to conduct warrantless wire taps in 2002.

Therefore...Bush says that wiretaps require warrants in 2004 (and the US government was complying with that requriement), while he ws fully aware that they have been doing it WITHOUT warrants since 2002. He reauthorized that order over 30 times.

He was lying in 2004.


Super Genius
Kerad said:
What part of the lie isn't clear? The quotes I provided are from 2004. Bush signed the order authorizing the NSA to conduct warrantless wire taps in 2002.

Therefore...Bush says that wiretaps require warrants in 2004 (and the US government was complying with that requriement), while he ws fully aware that they have been doing it WITHOUT warrants since 2002. He reauthorized that order over 30 times.

He was lying in 2004.
How's this (which is what we've been trying to tell you)...
After The New York Times reported, and CNN confirmed, a claim that Bush gave the National Security Agency license to eavesdrop on Americans communicating with people overseas, the president said that his actions were permissible, but that leaking the revelation to the media was illegal.
He acknowledged during the address that he allowed the NSA "to intercept the international communications of people with known links to al Qaeda and related terrorist organizations."
The NSA eavesdrops on billions of communications worldwide. Although the NSA is barred from domestic spying, it can get warrants issued with the permission of a special court called the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court.
The court is set up specifically to issue warrants allowing wiretapping on domestic soil.
Care to try again?


New Member
ylexot said:
How's this (which is what we've been trying to tell you)...

You obviously don't realize the term "wiretap" is the general term used for all electronic and communications surveillance. You don't have to physically tap into actual wires.

Spin it however you want. Whatever helps you sleep better at night.

I'm done with this particular subject. It was an interesting exchange.

Have a good Friday!



Super Genius
Kerad said:
You obviously don't realize the term "wiretap" is the general term used for all electronic and communications surveillance. You don't have to physically tap into actual wires.

Spin it however you want. Whatever helps you sleep better at night.
You obviously don't realize that in the quotes you provided, Bush was speaking of domestic spying programs and not international programs.

I'm done with this particular subject. It was an interesting exchange.
Good try, too bad you can't hack it.


Kerad said:
You obviously don't realize the term "wiretap" is the general term used for all electronic and communications surveillance.

I'm in the electronic and communications surveillance industry. And I didn't realize that either.

The reason I didn't know that is because, quite simply, that's not a true statement.

If you want, I could try to talk my bosses, and their bosses, and see what we can do about redefining industry terms and standards to meet your criteria, but honestly, I don't think they're going to go for it.

Kerad said:
Spin it however you want. Whatever helps you sleep better at night.

Back atcha

Kerad said:
I'm done with this particular subject. It was an interesting exchange.

:lalala: :lalala: :lalala: