MissMissy said:What we are doing now is saving up as much as we can and in 3-4 years selling our house and moving to Texas and my husband will stay home while I work.
MissMissy said:I would love to be a stay at home mom, but we can't afford it. What we are doing now is saving up as much as we can and in 3-4 years selling our house and moving to Texas and my husband will stay home while I work.
I did that, quit my job stayed home with my kids for 5 years then i got back into the working world (got divorced and was forced i should sayhotmomma said:I would love to be a stay at home mom also. Just scares me to quit my job and then not be able to find a job in a couple years when my child is in school.
rdkarob said:Are there any stay at home Moms out there? I am thinking of quitting my job, working part time for the income but don't know if I can afford it. Any of you just do it and it seemed to work out ok???
(I am on my husbands site, don't hold it against me) hA!
aosmiles said:I did this two years ago. It is hard financially at times, but it is so worth it. I suggest this: look at your budget-see what you can do without. this includes eating out, fancy clothes, cable/satellite, etc. look at how you can save-utilize store sales, use coupons, go to thrift shops, etc. Try generic brands for many items. If you don't have a budget-get one and stick to it. Use the Family Financial Workbook by Larry Burkett to establish a budget. See www.crown.org. It has great examples and resources for cutting costs.
Yes, money is a big reason people divorce. But, if you can commit to not fighting about it, but rather working together on finances, it will work out. My husband and I do not fight about finances-we discuss, exchange points of view and work together. Money is a dumb reason to lose a spouse. You should rely on another-trying to do this independently won't work. "A house divided cannot stand" Figure out how much you need each month, see if it is feasible on one income-cut out what you need to and see if a part-time job is enough.
I love being home-there are sacrifices, but I would do it over again in a heartbeat. Good luck to you!
Pasofever said:I stayed home while the kids were young...then mom had a cerebral hemorrhage in 1996 and I have been home with her since then..I had to make money at home and was forced to sell tail..but you do what you gotta do..
Pasofever said:I stayed home while the kids were young...then mom had a cerebral hemorrhage in 1996 and I have been home with her since then..I had to make money at home and was forced to sell tail..but you do what you gotta do..
Geek said:8 years into it and I am so glad I did. I have been here for every important moment in my kids' lives. We have had a ball. But I don't care about having the "right" car or expensive shoes.