Stay at Home Moms


New Member
Are there any stay at home Moms out there? I am thinking of quitting my job, working part time for the income but don't know if I can afford it. Any of you just do it and it seemed to work out ok???

(I am on my husbands site, don't hold it against me) hA!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When my kids were little I did daycare, then worked part-time. Things were tight but we're obviously still here to tell about it.

You'd be surprised after you pay for daycare, clothes and lunches, how little you really get to keep of your paycheck.


Im On 1.
You'd better plan accordingly. Don't just quit and "hope" it works out....

$$$ is the #1 reason for divorce.

Always have a plan B.

Dont rely on hubby.


New Member
I did this two years ago. It is hard financially at times, but it is so worth it. I suggest this: look at your budget-see what you can do without. this includes eating out, fancy clothes, cable/satellite, etc. look at how you can save-utilize store sales, use coupons, go to thrift shops, etc. Try generic brands for many items. If you don't have a budget-get one and stick to it. Use the Family Financial Workbook by Larry Burkett to establish a budget. See It has great examples and resources for cutting costs.

Yes, money is a big reason people divorce. But, if you can commit to not fighting about it, but rather working together on finances, it will work out. My husband and I do not fight about finances-we discuss, exchange points of view and work together. Money is a dumb reason to lose a spouse. You should rely on another-trying to do this independently won't work. "A house divided cannot stand" Figure out how much you need each month, see if it is feasible on one income-cut out what you need to and see if a part-time job is enough.

I love being home-there are sacrifices, but I would do it over again in a heartbeat. Good luck to you!

Candle Lover

New Member
It is scary to just quit your job, because I did. We sat down and figured out the costs associated with me working. The extra expenses were daycare, car insurance, gas, clothing, dry cleaning and lunch. And then there were gifts for co-workers for weddings, baby showers, birthdays, luncheons, Christmas, Boss' Day, Secretary's day, funerals, and people in the hopital. It ended up that I was actually only contributing a little over $100 a week. Then we thought about how often we ate out during the week and it looked like that took care of the $100.00. Good luck!


New Member
I would love to be a stay at home mom, but we can't afford it. What we are doing now is saving up as much as we can and in 3-4 years selling our house and moving to Texas and my husband will stay home while I work.


MissMissy said:
What we are doing now is saving up as much as we can and in 3-4 years selling our house and moving to Texas and my husband will stay home while I work.



I'm Rick James #####!
MissMissy said:
I would love to be a stay at home mom, but we can't afford it. What we are doing now is saving up as much as we can and in 3-4 years selling our house and moving to Texas and my husband will stay home while I work.

Does HE know this? :lmao:


I would love to be a stay at home mom also. Just scares me to quit my job and then not be able to find a job in a couple years when my child is in school.


Well-Known Member
hotmomma said:
I would love to be a stay at home mom also. Just scares me to quit my job and then not be able to find a job in a couple years when my child is in school.
I did that, quit my job stayed home with my kids for 5 years then i got back into the working world (got divorced and was forced i should say :lmao: ) but now i make 10x more than what i had before.

Bottom line you need to do what is best for your family. :huggy: whether that be working or staying at home with your babies. Good Luck :howdy:
rdkarob said:
Are there any stay at home Moms out there? I am thinking of quitting my job, working part time for the income but don't know if I can afford it. Any of you just do it and it seemed to work out ok???

(I am on my husbands site, don't hold it against me) hA!

I'm not a mom yet, but will be soon. I quit my job June 1st. We just planned ahead and paid off all credit cards. I'm looking forward to being home with my son!

I should add that I don't plan on going back to work anytime soon, but if the need arises, I'll be keeping up on my skills (computer-wise). My husband works in technology so I don't see that being a problem.
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Not too talkative
My wife is a stay at home mom -

When our first child was born, we decided it was best for her to be at hoem with the children. I was enlisted in the Navy, not making lots of money but we were able to make it on my salary. We just did with out certain items - eating out, premium cable channels, etc. I am now retired from the Navy, making a little better money and the wife still stays home with the kids. Still no premium cable channels but we do get out more. It all depends on the lifestyle you are willing to live on.

My last few years in the navy, one of my collateral duties was as a financial counelor. I would help the younger sailors try and put budgets together and assit those heading into financial hardship through poor spending habits. I was always amazed at those who had the premium channels HBO, Cinemax, etc and still went to blockbuster every night to rent movies.

To drop to one pay check depends on the lifestyle you both really want to lead. Keep the lines of communications open. You both may think it is the lifestyle you want. There may come a time one of you is not happy with the way things are going, but doesn't want to say anything for "fear of ruining it for the other". Then after keeping it bottled up, they only end up resenting the way life is going.


Watch it
aosmiles said:
I did this two years ago. It is hard financially at times, but it is so worth it. I suggest this: look at your budget-see what you can do without. this includes eating out, fancy clothes, cable/satellite, etc. look at how you can save-utilize store sales, use coupons, go to thrift shops, etc. Try generic brands for many items. If you don't have a budget-get one and stick to it. Use the Family Financial Workbook by Larry Burkett to establish a budget. See It has great examples and resources for cutting costs.

Yes, money is a big reason people divorce. But, if you can commit to not fighting about it, but rather working together on finances, it will work out. My husband and I do not fight about finances-we discuss, exchange points of view and work together. Money is a dumb reason to lose a spouse. You should rely on another-trying to do this independently won't work. "A house divided cannot stand" Figure out how much you need each month, see if it is feasible on one income-cut out what you need to and see if a part-time job is enough.

I love being home-there are sacrifices, but I would do it over again in a heartbeat. Good luck to you!

:yay: Well said! There was a period of big adjustment for me- I admittingly enjoyed shopping for myself and enjoyed dining out. It took a while to stop doing it all as much, but it was so worth it in the end.

Best of luck to you. It's an adjustment, mentally and financially. But if you want to do it, you will do great. :howdy:


New Member
8 years into it and I am so glad I did. I have been here for every important moment in my kids' lives. We have had a ball. But I don't care about having the "right" car or expensive shoes.


New Member
I am a stay at home mom. I still have an income coming in as well.. Just recently I decided that I wanted something to do to get me some adult time.. Well I wanted to get a part time job that would allow me to be there for my kids.. I am now an advisor for Lia Sophia Jewelry company and making more money than ever and also having that luxury of being with my kids. My mom is quitting her job at Safeway to work for me selling jewelry. She said that she is happier and relax doing what I do. But doing a DSA is not for everyone. You have to want it and have some connections to get you started. My friends and family played a huge part in my success.. The helped me get started by holding shows for me .. Now My network of people has grown so much that I am now not depending on family and friends on shows. On an average I make $300 per show.


Does my butt look big?
I stayed home while the kids were young...then mom had a cerebral hemorrhage in 1996 and I have been home with her since then..I had to make money at home and was forced to sell tail..but you do what you gotta do..

Nanny Pam

Pasofever said:
I stayed home while the kids were young...then mom had a cerebral hemorrhage in 1996 and I have been home with her since then..I had to make money at home and was forced to sell tail..but you do what you gotta do..


Highlander's MPD
Pasofever said:
I stayed home while the kids were young...then mom had a cerebral hemorrhage in 1996 and I have been home with her since then..I had to make money at home and was forced to sell tail..but you do what you gotta do..

Good idea. What kind of tails were you selling? Lobster? Raccoon? I'm guessing lobster. That would be a much better seller.


Highlander's MPD
Geek said:
8 years into it and I am so glad I did. I have been here for every important moment in my kids' lives. We have had a ball. But I don't care about having the "right" car or expensive shoes.

Geek, you didn't tell me about the husband and kids. I thought our relationship was built on trust. :bawl: What else haven't you told me?


New Member
I haven't worked since we had children, (we have three) and it is very rewarding being at home with them. There are times I miss work, but wouldn't trade my times with the kids for anything. My husband enjoys me being at home as well. The extra income was good, but in time we didn't even miss it gone. You just learn to make due!