I have a question about this. Wouldn't a man feel like less of a man if he wasn't bringing home the bacon?MissMissy said:my husband will stay home while I work.
Why? Just because he isn't the bread winner doesn't mean that the johnson is broke.sockgirl77 said:I have a question about this. Wouldn't a man feel like less of a man if he wasn't bringing home the bacon?
aosmiles said:I did this two years ago. It is hard financially at times, but it is so worth it. I suggest this: look at your budget-see what you can do without. this includes eating out, fancy clothes, cable/satellite, etc. look at how you can save-utilize store sales, use coupons, go to thrift shops, etc. Try generic brands for many items. If you don't have a budget-get one and stick to it. Use the Family Financial Workbook by Larry Burkett to establish a budget. See www.crown.org. It has great examples and resources for cutting costs.
Yes, money is a big reason people divorce. But, if you can commit to not fighting about it, but rather working together on finances, it will work out. My husband and I do not fight about finances-we discuss, exchange points of view and work together. Money is a dumb reason to lose a spouse. You should rely on another-trying to do this independently won't work. "A house divided cannot stand" Figure out how much you need each month, see if it is feasible on one income-cut out what you need to and see if a part-time job is enough.
I love being home-there are sacrifices, but I would do it over again in a heartbeat. Good luck to you!
marybek said:I haven't worked since we had children, (we have three) and it is very rewarding being at home with them. There are times I miss work, but wouldn't trade my times with the kids for anything. My husband enjoys me being at home as well. The extra income was good, but in time we didn't even miss it gone. You just learn to make due!
I missed work. I missed my sanity. I went back to work. :shrug:heavenly was said:I cannot understand how you could miss work?? If you didnt have to work you could stay home all day and do nothing. Or maybe play megaman. Maybe you miss the moola that you got from working I am guessing this is true am I right?
sockgirl77 said:I have a question about this. Wouldn't a man feel like less of a man if he wasn't bringing home the bacon?
Makavide said:If my wife wants to be a stay at home mom, then she better be doing the grocery shopping and bringing home the bacon, as well as fixing it it for my dinner when I get home.![]()
Besides with direct deposit, who has to bring home the bacon -it is already in the account for the family to spend while I am still at work.
Qurious said:So basically u expect a hot plate on the table since the wife isn't working?
hborror said:I have been a SAHM for 3 years. I am looking into a part-time job at the hospital because I hate using my husband's money to buy him gifts. BUT other then that I love being with my kids.